FC Court News (Criminal Court)

Information provided by the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

Criminal Court

Invasion of Privacy

Sierra E. Moore pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 212 days in the Franklin County Security Center (FCSC). She was fined $1 and $185 costs. She was ordered to have no contact with the victim for one year effective at sentencing.


Berecka D. Estridge pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation to be served consecutive to the sentences imposed in two other misdemeanor convictions. She was fined $1 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for 365 days and was ordered to pay the Probation Users’ Fee of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. As an additional condition of probation, she was ordered to pay restitution to the victim in the amount of $2,240.36 and to have no contact with the victim. She was ordered to testify to the truth of the matter in all companion cases. She also pleaded guilty to False Informing, as a class B misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I.


Brooklyn D. Rose pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 12 months in the FCSC with all time suspended. She was fined $250 and $185 costs.