FC property damage accidents from April 12 through April 15

Provided by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department

April 10

Tyler Miller, Walleye Drive, Brookville, at 8:43 p.m., was operating a vehicle west on U.S. 52 east of Brookville. While negotiating a slight left curve, Miller drove off the right side of the westbound lane. After Miller’s vehicle drove off the road, his front right tire hit a hole and caused the vehicle to roll on its driver’s side. Another vehicle operated by Brandt Miller, Oxford Pike, Brookville, drove by Tyler Miller’s vehicle as it was rolling over. The tires on Tyler Miller’s vehicle threw mud and loose gravel over Brandt Miller’s windshield, causing damage. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Kyle Hartman investigated the accident.

April 14

Kimberly Eyler, Indiana 101, Brookville, was operating a vehicle southbound on Whitcomb Road at 6:22 a.m. Eyler’s vehicle was sideswiped by another vehicle that failed to stay at the scene. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Jason Robinson investigated the accident.

Abigail Mitchum, South Sunrise Lane, Connersville, at 11 a.m., was operating a vehicle northbound through the Franklin County High School parking lot, and a vehicle operated by Travis Schwartz, Duck Creek Road, Laurel, was traveling eastbound through the parking lot. As Schwartz’ vehicle was traveling to exit the parking lot, Mitchum’s vehicle pulled out into Schartz’ vehicle’s lane of travel,, causing Mitchum’s vehicle to hit Schwartz’ vehicle on the passenger side. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Andrew Voelker investigated the accident.

April 15

Misty Wilhoit, Franklin Road, Brookville at 8:38 a.m., was traveling south on Blue Creek Road when Wilhoit’s vehicle hit a deer that had already been hit by another vehicle. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Jason Robinson investigated the accident.

Lydia Moorman, Maplewood Avenue, Batesville, was operating a vehicle at 7:32 p.m. westbound on Hamburg Road and drove off the road. After driving off the road, Moorman drove her vehicle back onto the road, overcorrecting and drove off the road again, striking a tree. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Dylan Enzinger investigated the accident




