FC property damage accidents from September 14 through September 19

Information provided by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department

September 14

At 7:56 p.m., Sonya McColley, U.S. 52, Brookville, missed the turnoff to a road she wanted off Highland Center Road. She started backing toward the edge of the road. The vehicle she was operating then slid over an embankment into a deep ditch coming to rest on the passenger side. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Brad Ramey investigated the accident.

September 19

Mary Collins, Duck Creek Road, Metamora, and Richard Flippin, Cincinnati, were each operating vehicles on Duck Creek Road at 12:02 p.m. They both tried to go across a narrow bridge at the same time coming from opposite directions. Their mirrors made contact, causing damage to both vehicles’ mirrors. FCSD Deputy Jeremy Noah investigated.

At 4:04 p.m., Beth Foster, Fairway Lane, Brookville, was operating a vehicle and was stopping at a temporary traffic light set up for road construction on Indiana 1. Matthew Dobbs, Aurora, was operating a vehicle behind Foster’s vehicle and was unable to stop in time, striking Foster’s vehicle. Deputy Ramey also investigated that accident.