FC property damage accidents from September 28 through October 3

From the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department

September 28

At 12:30 p.m. on Morris Road, Luke Wilson, Haskamp Road, Oldenburg, was operating a vehicle, and he was turning from St. Mary’s Road onto Morris Road. There was a large pickup at the intersection. When Wilson attempted to pull onto Morris Road, he ran off the side of the road and into an embankment. While trying to steer out of the embankment, he over corrected, sending his vehicle across the road and into a fence before coming to rest. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy John Roberts investigated the accident.

At 4:47 p.m., Ryan Lackey, High Street, Liberty, was operating a vehicle eastbound on U.S. 52 East, when he ran off the left side of the road. The vehicle went into a ditch and struck an embankment, rolling over on its side. FCSD Deputy Adam Henson investigated the accident.

September 29

Kent Ruf, Indiana 121, Laurel, and Ronald Baker, Vine Street, Connersville, were operating separate vehicles and were heading northbound on Ind. 121 at 3:48 p.m. Due to road construction, they were directed to use the southbound lane. It had been ground down and the northbound lane was newly paved. Ruf said the traffic was going around 20 mph as he was following the vehicle driven by Baker. Baker’s vehicle stopped, and Ruf tried to stop his vehicle but could not because of the road conditions. His vehicle slid about 200 feet before striking Baker’s vehicle in the rear. FCSD Deputy John Roberts investigated the accident.

October 1

At 5:36 p.m., Gregory Ivey, McGuire Ridge Road, Laurel, was operating a vehicle northbound on Duck Creek Road when he began backing up and struck a vehicle operated by Dylan Thomas, Knightstown, at the intersection of Crossover Road and Duck Creek Road. FCSD Deputy Bryce Jenkins investigated the accident.

October 2

At 3:02 p.m., Stephen Phillips, Lew Wallace Drive, Brookville, was operating a vehicle east on Dickson Road. He lifted the dump bed on his truck to clear out the contents. The raised dump bed caught on a utility pole, causing the utility pole to fall. FCSD Deputy Brad Ramey investigated the accident.

At 9:30 p.m., Denise Colvin, Xenia, Ohio, was operating a vehicle southbound on Indiana 101 when she struck a deer in the road. Colvin then pulled her vehicle to the side of the highway. The accident was investigated by FCSD Dylan Enzinger.

October 3

Melanie Nevels, Keeler Road, Brookville, was operating a vehicle westbound on U.S. 52 at 1:55 p.m. As she came around a curve, she noticed the traffic in front of her was moving slowly. She swerved to the right and ran off the road. She then struck an embankment, rolling the vehicle over. It was at that point, her vehicle was struck by another vehicle, operated by Brian Henry, Sunset Drive, Liberty. FCSD Deputy Brad Lecher investigated the accident.

At 5:07 p.m., Kenneth Bath, Whitcomb Road, Brookville, was operating a vehicle eastbound on Oxford Pike when his vehicle left the road and struck a road sign. After that, it went into a field. FCSD Deputy Bryce Jenkins investigated the accident.