FC resident Larry Wiwi was at D.C. during the rally and this is his observations

A political column by Larry Wiwi

I do not believe most of what the MSM reports about the rally on the Mall on Jan 6 and the reason I do not is because I was there, and here are the key points:

  • Before about 2pm, the massive crowd was happy, courteous to each other and law enforcement and hopeful the election fraud could still be corrected
  • President Trump calmly recited the evidence of the fraud and made it clear he was hoping and relying on Mike Pence to send the voting results back to a couple of states for re-certification that had made the request.  He was not asking Pence to disallow or change any votes, but simply asking that he give the requesting states a chance to review and perhaps correct the vote counts due to the potential fraud they became aware of over the past couple of weeks
  • When the speech was complete the President calmly stated that he would be walking down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol with the rest of us.  He did not incite any riots, stir up the crowd and call for any violence, just to continue our peaceful presence outside the Capitol.
  • I got no closer than perhaps 1,000 feet of the Capitol but did see some tear gas activity at the doors and decided it was probably a good time to depart and shortly after more police started streaming in.  I can neither confirm nor deny whether it was Trump supporters or Antifa who initiated the violence but can confirm Antifa was present on the Mall and that the vast majority of Trump supporters remained peaceful and outside the Capitol.

What Follows….

Since our courts and congressional leaders and now even our Vice President have turned a blind eye to the voter fraud – I say that with certainty since no one is disputing the fact that Pennsylvania has 200,000 more votes than voters, there is no reason to think all future elections will not be similarly tainted, especially since the party that benefited from the fraud now controls both the presidency and the congress.

Our only recourse is to work now through our states, but the most effective tool will be through a Convention of States and amend the Constitution to force the hands of the federal government.  The reason is that tightening up our already pretty good election laws in Indiana do us no good when Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and others allow fraud so rampant as to completely cancel Indiana voters.

Honestly, I fear the country is lost but will never stop fighting socialism because it is evil in the suffering and poverty it produces, and one should never stop opposing evil.

Larry Wiwi

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