FCCSC unveils plans for in-school learning and online learning for 2020-21 school year

By John Estridge

Franklin County Community School Corporation parents and guardians are going to have two options for their children in going back to school on Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Schools closed in March for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent nation-wide shutdown. Students were taught at home using e-learning.

FCCSC will offer traditional in-person school and online schooling at home.

In-person at school

One rule is the same as all the other years for public education: School will be in session five days a week.

The rest are different because of the pandemic.

*If a closure is ordered by the governor or the Franklin County Health Department, then all the students will go on the e-learning plan.

*Social distancing will be enforced when possible.

*There are increased opportunities for hand washing and hand sanitizing.

*Use of face coverings is highly recommended but not mandatory.

Online at home

It will also be five-days-a-week, and while it will be offered the entire school year, 2020-21, parents can opt to go the in-school route at the end of each nine-week grading period.

For online learning, students in K-5 will use Calvert Learning using school-issued Chromebooks and iPads. Students in K-2 will have iPads issued to them while 3-5 students will have Chromebooks.

According to the Calvert Learning website, “Calvert Learning helps educators and students succeed with K-8 virtual and blended learning that builds creative problem solving and other lifelong skills needed to thrive in a fast-changing world.”

There are both pro and con reviews for Calvert Learning on the web with some saying it is too inflexible while others said it was challenging for the students in a good way.

Information from the FCCSC said students using Calvert Learning will be taught by Indiana certified teachers and the courses are aligned with state academic standards in math, science, social studies and language arts. Students can also choose two electives from choices of health, PE and art.

FCCSC material said there will be resources available to assist parents.

Grades 6-12 will all use Chromebooks. They will be participating in Edmentum courses. On the Calvert Learning website, it states Calvert Learning has joined the Edmentum team.

According to the Edmentum website under mission and values: “Founded in innovation, we are committed to being educators’ most trusted partner in creating successful student outcomes everywhere learning occurs.”

FCCSC will work with families that need access to the internet.

What parents/guardians must assess prior to in-person school every day

Every family must complete a daily self screening of each child prior to sending the children to school. Staff members will also self assess before coming to school. Everyone must look for COVID-19-related symptoms. This is going by Centers for Disease Control guidelines.

*Fever of 100.4 or greater.


*Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.


*Repeated shaking with chills.

*Muscle pain.


*Sore throat.

*New loss of taste and/or smell.

Bus transportation

Rules will be different on buses this school year.

*Masks are mandatory for the drivers and the riders.

*All seats are assigned seats for the entire trip. Siblings will be seated together.

*Loading and unloading of buses will be controlled to allow for the greatest separation that is possible.

*Parents/guardians my use only one or two addresses to create a Monday through Friday bus schedule used for the entire year.

*In the event a permanent change in the student’s bus schedule is needed, parents/guardians shall contact the transportation department.

*Daily changes to a child’s transportation schedule will no longer be allowed or permitted, with the exception of a rider or walker for that day.

*Guest riders will not be allowed to ride a different bus for sleepovers, play dates, birthday parties and other events.

*Students are encouraged to social distance at bus stops.

*Students, who have a temperature of 100.4 degrees, will not be transported at the end of the school day.

*Failure to comply with the modifications may result in the loss of school-bus privileges for the student.

*To the extent possible, buses will be thoroughly disinfected between routes.

Private transportation

Families have the option of driving their children to and from school by their personal vehicles. Also, carpools are allowed. Student drivers at the high school are still permitted. Drop off and pickup areas will be designated for loading and unloading students where they are able to do social distancing.

For in-person learning daily health and safety protocols

Masks are not going to be mandatory at school, but they will be “highly recommended” for staff and students, especially when social distancing is not possible.

*Students will be given multiple opportunities during the day for hand washing.

*Hand sanitizer dispensers will be available for all grades 6-12 classrooms.

*Sharing of school supplies and electronic devices will be limited.

*Drinking fountains are disabled. Bottle fillers will be made available to students.

*Staff will receive training on signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

*Visitors will not be permitted beyond the main office. The use of volunteers has been suspended.

Social distancing protocols

*Student desks and tables will be arranged for social distancing to the extent possible.

*Students will have assigned seats throughout the school day.

*In grades K-6, students will be grouped and remain with the same group, to allow distancing to the extent possible.

*Hallways and stairwells will be designated as “one way” when possible.

*The number of students in common areas at the same time will be monitored.

*Alternative spaces will be used for large classes such as band and choir.


Breakfast is grab-and-go with students eating in designated areas or classrooms with social distancing.

Lunch will be prepared on site with students eating in the cafeteria or areas with assigned seats and social distancing.

Recess protocols

*Playground equipment will be cleaned and sanitized daily.

*Shared equipment such as balls and jump ropes will be disinfected between use.

*Students will participate in recess with their class to maintain social distancing.

*Students will wash hands before and after recess.

What happens to a school if there is a confirmed case

*FCCSC will communicate with the Franklin County Health Department, which will give guidance on the appropriate course of action — which could include quarantine of an individual; quarantine of a building; or closure of the entire school corporation.

*Confidentiality will be maintained in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

*The duration of the quarantine or closure will depend upon guidance from the Franklin County Health Department.

Remote learning will be used for quarantine and closures

In the event, a student or a group of students is quarantined or FCCSC closes a school or all schools, the educational process will continue through the support of the classroom teacher(s) and use of remote learning.

*Every student in grades K-2 will have a school-issued iPad.

*Every student in grades 3-12 will have a school-issued Chromebook.

*CANVAS, a learning management system, will be used in grades 3-12.

*All school parking lots have internet access.

*FCCSC will work with families to secure internet access.

How student registration will be handled

Registration for the 2020-21 school year is now open on the FCCSC website at 2020-21 Registration. During the registration process, there will be three choices.

New student, in-person registration for kindergarteners and other students new to FCCSC.

Returning student, in-person registration. This is for students who completed the 2019-20 school year in one of the FCCSC schools and plan to return in-person for the 2020-21 school year.

Online/at-home registration is for new or returning students who choose to participate in an online/at home option for the 2020-21 school year.