Franklin County positive COVID-19 cases increase by another six in one day, meaning the positive case number has increased by about 55 percent since July 1

By John Estridge

Before I write this short article, I want to go out of my reporter mode and enter into my fired editor mode. After I was fired, and the shutdown hit, I watched and read the news like it was a World Series game, and the Reds were in the World Series. I was glued to the TV. I read every article I could find from different sources: Fox, CNN, BBC and others. I could not get enough. Then, I began to feel as many expressed on Facebook that the media was over-hyping the virus.

And let me tell you, I do not want to do that. But I just looked at the new numbers released for Franklin County by the Indiana Department of Health (IDH) for Thursday, July 30. And that led to this article. I apologize to those who may think I am overhyping this, but as a person living and working in FC, I find this disturbing.

Now, back to being a reporter:

The Indiana Department of Health released its tabulation for the total number of COVID-19 positive cases in the county. The increase is another six over Wednesday, July 29’s numbers. As of Thursday, the county has 187 total COVID-19 positive cases. Wednesday it was 181. On July 1, it was 121.

Editorial comment: The only person I know who is worse at math than me is my OLDER sister Karen.

Reporter: However, that is an increase of about 55 percent this month. Franklin County Health Department, through the FC COVID-19 Task Force, has promised to put out tracking information on where the people may be acquiring the virus. But to this point, that has not happened.

One reply on “Franklin County positive COVID-19 cases increase by another six in one day, meaning the positive case number has increased by about 55 percent since July 1”

  1. I guess your point to the FC Health Dept. is”get on it”. Sure would be nice to know who may have been exposed, or I was exposed so I can self quarantine.

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