Franklin County property damage accidents from August 12 through August 15

Information provided by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department

August 12

At 5:30 a.m., Theressa Kettle, Oxford Pike, was operating a vehicle eastbound on Oxford Pike when she thought she was at her turn onto Liberty Pike northbound. However, she missed the road and struck a fence. Franklin County Sheriff’s Deputy John Roberts investigated the accident.

At 1:07 p.m., Kyle Williams, Cincinnati, was eastbound on St. Mary’s Road while a vehicle operated by Joseph Foster, Shop Road, Brookville was behind Williams’ vehicle and was also eastbound. Williams drove past Warner Street, stopped and backed up in an attempt to turn left onto Warner Street. Foster was unable to back up his vehicle, which meant Williams’ vehicle backed up into Foster’s vehicle. FCSD Major Greg Mehlbauer investigated the accident.

About two–and-a-half hours later on the same day, at 3:39 p.m., Peggy Snowden, Cincinnati, was operating her vehicle east on St. Peter’s Road when she took a curve too fast, ran off the road and struck a tree. FCSD Deputy Brad Ramey investigated that accident.

August 13

John Garrett, Dublin, Ohio, at 1:54 p.m., was operating a vehicle southbound on Keeler Road at its intersection with Brookhaven Road when he drove off the right side of the road. He struck a speed limit sign, continued south and struck an underground phone utility box. FCSD Major Greg Mehlbauer investigated the accident.

August 15

At 1:33 p.m., Paul Hinkel, Hamilton, Ohio, and David Madden, Stipps Hill Road, Laurel were, on Indiana 244 East. Both the Hinkel and Madden vehicles were stopped at a stop sign at the intersection of Ind. 244 and U.S. 52. Hinkel’s vehicle was behind Madden’s vehicle. Hinkel did not realize Madden had not pulled out. Hinkel let his foot off the brake and ran into the back of Madden’s vehicle. FCSD Deputy Jason Robinson investigated the accident.