Franklin County reports a dozen new COVID-19 cases; state goes above 2,000 positive test results for first time

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Franklin County reported a dozen COVID-19 positive test results on Friday, October 16.

According to the ISDH numbers, out of 51 people tested on the time before giving the numbers to the ISDH, the 12 Franklin County residents tested positive, which is 24 percent of those tested.

And Indiana set another new record, going past the 2,000 mark for the first time since statistics started to be recorded in mid-March. The state’s total for Friday was 2,328, making the grand total 143,495. With Franklin County, the total of positive test results is 349.

Fayette County had half a dozen, bringing its total to 531. And statistically, it was bad for Union County with two more, for 94.

There were no COVID-19-realted deaths in the three counties. Those totals remain: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 15; and Union, zero.

Indiana had an additional 22 deaths for a total of 3,654.