Glory of God please come down

By Adrienne Greene


I’m studying something known as the “glory of God.” What do you know about it?


            We often associate the glory of God with the way Catholic and Anglican art has presented it to us: a golden halo surrounding spiritually-special people. But that idea is only one tiny expression of it. To some, God’s glory is spiritual glow; force-field, or power-cloud from heaven; and a deep mystery. To others, it has been fully revealed and explained in detail. Numerous testimonials are recorded in video and print from people who experienced an outpouring of God’s glory during church meetings, revivals or significant events. God seems to bring his glory to people who are desperate for it and searching.

            Moses was the man who experienced God’s glory with more frequency than anyone. He literally had “face-time” with God, to the point that his skin was saturated with a heavenly glow that scared people. “Moses didn’t realize as he came back down the mountain with the tablets that his face glowed from being in the presence of God. Because of this radiance upon his face, Aaron and the people of Israel were afraid to come near him.” (Exodus 34:29, 30, TLB.) From this, we glean the knowledge that God’s glory includes supernatural light; the kind the shepherds in the fields also experienced the night Jesus was born (Luke 2.)

            Peter, James and John were also exposed to the glory during what we call “The Transfiguration,” a big word that means, “to be transformed or changed.” Three Gospel writers recorded the event in Matthew 17, Mark 9 and Luke 9; the moment when their teacher, Jesus, instantly broke out in his heavenly glory during a quiet meeting with Moses and Elijah at the top of a mountain. Jesus’ garments, made of everyday cloth, glittered like lightning. A glory-cloud then misted over the scene as God the Father spoke, telling our chatty-Peter to be quiet and listen(!) The three disciples hit the deck in worship and silence until the meeting ended. From this example, we note three expressions of God’s glory: 1) white-light, 2) a silvery-cloud filling the atmosphere, and 3) a power-surge strong enough to knock grown men to the ground. Likewise, King Solomon’s temple, when it was finally built and being consecrated, drew such attention in the heavenly realm that God himself performed the ribbon cutting (1 Kings 8); filling the area with smoke and cloud; sending all the priests face-down in the dirt in worship.

            Christians are familiar with the presence of God—perhaps his touch or voice; dreams, revelations and moments of spiritual anointing (usually noted by shivers or goosebumps.) But most of us are lacking both the knowledge and experience of God’s glory. It is what we need and must have in these desperate hours of satanic evil rising on the earth. We need the cyclone of Jesus’ power bearing down and snuffing out the soot of hell which appears to be piling up everywhere. From anarchy to murder; cities on fire with destruction from terrorists; our founding documents like The Constitution or Bill of Rights mocked and dismissed by leaders in places of great authority both national and local. We desperately need God to step in.

A cyclone best describes God’s glory when it falls. A massive weather event, the cyclone contains within it numerous tornados which seem to drill down greater devastation under the umbrella of cyclonic destruction. God’s glory is also a massive force-field of heaven-come-to-earth which contains inside it penetrating miracles of healing, demonic deliverance, peace that passes all understanding and rest so deep, the subjects underneath it appear asleep. Two of our favorite Bible authors Daniel and John, both fell on their faces “as though dead” when God’s glory fell upon them (Daniel 8 and Revelation 1.)

            God’s glory has come even in modern times: witnesses like John Kilpatrick ( and Randy Clark ( have both experienced and entered-into the testimonies of the great revivalists such as William Seymour and John G. Lake. John Kilpatrick was recently quoted as saying, “We work under the anointing; we rest under the Glory.” Come down again, O God! Save our nation by your spirit and truth. We are weary and need rest.

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