Indiana passes the 5,000 death total attributed to COVID-19

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Indiana passed the 5,000 benchmark in the deaths attributed to COVID-19 as it registered 40 additional deaths in the ISDH’s statistics released on its dashboard Sunday, November 22, 2020.

Another figure for the state is the number of new positive test results. That number is 6,255 for a total of 295,357, which means the figures released on Monday, November 23, should make the grand total beyond the 300,000 plateau.

Locally, Franklin County had an additional 18 positive tests for a total of 635, and Fayette County recorded 19 positive tests, making that county’s total 1,412. Union County had four for a total of 255.

There were no more deaths in the three counties attributed to the virus, leaving those totals at: Fayette, 33; Franklin, 25; and Union, one.