Indiana surpasses quarter of a million mark in COVID-19 positive test results

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Indiana went over the quarter of a million mark for positive COVID-19 tests with the release of Sunday, November 15, numbers by the Indiana State Health Department.

There were 6,844 positive test results reported in the state on Sunday, bringing the state’s total since March 6 to 251,597. Twenty-two deaths were also reported, making the total of COVID-19-related deaths 4,660.

No new COVID-19-related deaths were reported in the three-county area of the Whitewater Valley, leaving those totals: Fayette, 27; Franklin, 25; and Union, one.

Fayette County had an additional 13 positive test results for a total of 1,235. Franklin County added eight more for 532 and Union County had six, for 222.