Lakeview man calls 911 about theft, and allegedly attacks officers when they respond

By John Estridge

Fired Editor’s Note: The first time I published this the link did not publish correctly so I am trying it the second time.

Dwayne H. Littleton, a Lakeview man, called 911 and reported a theft of his money on Friday, October 9.

When police officers arrived at the complainant’s home, Littleton ordered the police officers off his property.

By the time the situation was resolved, Littleton was arrested and charged with two counts of Battery on a Police Officer by Bodily Waste, as a Level 6 Felonies; and Intimidation, as a class A misdemeanor.

And the missing money was not recovered.

According to an Affidavit of Probable Cause filed by Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy John Roberts, at 10:43 a.m., Littleton called the Franklin County Communications Center and reported sometime during the night someone came into his residence and stole $170. He gave the name of the person he thought did it. He believed it was a female neighbor.

Roberts and Indiana Conservation Officer Corporal Cory Norrod responded to the call.

According to Roberts, Littleton was on his porch when Roberts arrived at Littleton’s residence in Lakeview.

Roberts asked Littleton what was going on. Littleton, with expletives, ordered Roberts off his property. Roberts reminded Littleton he had called 911 reporting a theft of money, and that was why Roberts was on Littleton’s property. At that time, Littelton seemed to calm a bit and talked about the theft of his money. However, the anger, described by Roberts as rage, came right back.

Roberts said he and Norrod attempted to calm Littleton down. Littleton approached the officers, continuing to curse them and point his finger at both of them getting in both officers’ faces.

Roberts told Littleton to back up and to not touch his person. Littleton then deliberately poked Roberts in the chest. Roberts grabbed Littleton around his head and ordered him to the ground. Littleton refused to go to the ground, causing Roberts to continue wrestling with Littleton. Roberts got Littleton’s hands behind his back, and Norrod grabbed Littleton’s hands. As that happened, Roberts applied handcuffs to Littleton’s wrists. He used two sets of cuffs on Littleton to make it a little more comfortable for Littleton.

Norrod did a search of Littleton for weapons.

They stood Littleton up. With Roberts holding onto the cuffs, Littleton allegedly continued to try to slam his body into Roberts, saying with every effort “there’s another battery charge.” Littleton allegedly told Roberts he would get Roberts or have someone else get him.

Roberts requested another FCSD vehicle with a cage divider. At that point, Roberts said Littleton deliberately spit on Roberts twice.

Roberts still tried to find out about the money Littleton said was stolen. Littleton blamed a neighbor, saying she had also stolen his Social Security card.

In the affidavit, Roberts said the confrontation was taped by his in-car video, and there is a copy of the 911 call. Roberts said Littleton seemed “mad at the world.”

If convicted of a Level 6 Felony, Littleton could receive six months to two-and-a-half years in the Franklin County Security Center. A class A misdemeanor conviction could result in a sentence of up to one year in the FCSC.

And by the way, Friday, October 9, was Roberts’ birthday.