Latest Brookville Town Hall rumor

By John Estridge

I’m not into anonymity with the written word, but I am going to make an exception with this one subject.

The latest rumor to come to me by social media on where the new town hall will be is the old state highway department property in Brookville. It really makes sense. Everything would be together. They can have the town hall, town police and the water, park and street departments right across Ninth Street from the fire station, Schilling Center and across the parking lot from the pool. And the Brookville Town Park is right there. There is parking galore.

I don’t know if I dreamed this, but I thought this new town hall was going to fill a vacant storefront downtown so we will not have as many empty storefronts for the tourists to see as they drive through. Some go on Mill Street, but it would be kind of hidden back there to the majority of tourists. Just sayin. However, I know the government knows much better than a taxpayer on what to do with our money.

Any other rumors, send them my way. I will give those who share their rumors anonymity.