Letter to the Fired Editor

Liberal Governed Cities:  Where are the Adults?

Like most Americans, a super majority I believe, I am appalled at the circumstances of George Floyd’s death and will defend with my life the right of citizens to protest.  I also believe a super majority of Americans are appalled at the violence and destruction of property of innocent private citizens and like me stand in shock at the lack of action of local government as businesses are looted, vandalized and sometimes destroyed.

Liberal mayors ordering police to stand down and let the rioters “get it out of their system” is not new, we saw it in the Baltimore riots during the Obama administration.  So the question is if you live in a liberal governed city why are you still paying taxes?  These liberal leaders have made it clear they are violating the social contract we taxpayers have with our local governments – we pay taxes in exchange for police and fire protection when we need it, except I guess when there is an Antifa or Black Lives Matter initiated riot.  The entire situation results in this question screaming in my head:  Where are the adults?

 Speaking of missing adults, where are the governing adults in Seattle where several blocks of the city, presumably much of it privately owned, is now barricaded and under the control of “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)?  The hapless mayor thinks it is sort of like a festival and perhaps an example of a “Summer of Love” and the clueless governor had a deer in the headlights moment when asked about CHAZ – he apparently had not heard of it.  Again, neither the mayor nor the governor seem to have the slightest concern for the citizens and their property who were scooped up unwillingly in this madness – I guess taxpayer’s lives don’t matter?

An adult leader would have politely asked these knuckleheads to cease and desist peacefully and when the refusal and declaration that they are now sovereign from the United States reply was received, they would have calmly informed these CHAZ folks that since there is no treaty between the U.S. and CHAZ, the U.S. will immediately cease to provide water, electricity, food, or any other service to CHAZ.  Any adult would know that this kind of action would result in this pitiful event dying with a whimper as living conditions very quickly disintegrated and returning to normal living conditions for CHAZ residents is as easy as renouncing CHAZ and crossing the street back to the USA.

Larry Wiwi

Franklin County