Old Guy Rant: Clarity on COVID

Political column by Larry Wiwi

Sometimes I wonder if we will ever really recover from COVID since after all new variants might spring eternal even if the Chi-Coms don’t let another variant loose, but I am much more worried about the collateral damage than the disease. For starters, the CDC, prince Fauci and a whole host of self-proclaimed media experts have provided us changing and often wrong and sometimes conflicting direction then get angry that we don’t trust them.

Now we have the cognitively challenged commander-in-thief believing he can use OSHA regulations to force companies to force their employees to take a drug they may not want and he may get by with it if the Supreme Court continues to cower as it often does under the spineless Roberts. Isn’t it funny how we have heard for decades the liberal cry to keep the government’s hands off of women’s bodies but now support vaccine mandates? I guess that concern only matters when we are killing babies. 

Because of fools like Biden and Fauci we have governments, businesses and schools forcing people to wear masks and people sometimes getting into physical altercations over wearing masks despite the findings of Stanford University that shows cloth masks to be just 9 percent effective and surgical masks 12 percent effective. Biden is further pushing the vaccination of kids while no one asks the really pertinent question: Why are we injecting barely tested drugs into young developing bodies when we already know that people 19 and under survive COVID at the rate of 99.9973 percent? These kids literally take a bigger risk getting to and from school than COVID is ever going to pose. The common seasonal flu is more deadly to kids than COVID and even the over-rated CDC has never recommended flu shots for kids.

We were told for the longest time to get vaccinated so you don’t spread it to a loved one, which is a very powerful reason to take the shot, the problem is once vaccinated people started getting COVID anyway, albeit maybe a milder case, we learned that the vaccinated can spread the virus just like the unvaccinated. Recently the ever fear-mongering media re-started the daily reporting of new COVID cases – ever wonder why they don’t report the number of recoveries or the percent of recoveries? They don’t report those because if you heard that you would not be scared.

Worst of all we are teaching Americans, especially our young Americans, to live in fear and when afraid, be good compliant little subjects and do what your overbearing government is commanding regardless of whether it has the legal authority to do so.

To be clear, I am not an anti-vaxer, older people and people with other risk factors should take the vaccine, it is and should remain a personal risk calculation that we all have enough data now to figure out for ourselves.

I really don’t think any institution should have the power to force you to inject something into your body that you don’t agree to, and don’t let anyone browbeat you with the comparison to polio vaccines because:  1) 99.7 percent of polio victims do not recover like COVID patients and;  2) The polio vaccine is really a vaccine, once and done.

When in doubt, always err on the side of freedom.

Larry Wiwi

One reply on “Old Guy Rant: Clarity on COVID”

  1. I’ve been on the front-lines with this COVID-19. I have seen and read many things. My brother is in the Nursing Home here in Brookville. I’m not vaccinated and choose not to be for medical reasons. In the sixties I had the Hong Kong flu, boy that was bad. Over a million died with that Virus, and that is what this is. COVID-19 in my opinion will continue to Mutate just like any other virus. Our bodies have not adapted at all, government in my opinion hasn’t allowed that to happen. When nursing home was lockdowns I had to have a COVID-19 test each time as a accentual caregiver. I don’t know what the answer is But neither do they.

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