Old Guy Rant: Critical Race Theory 101

A Political Column by Larry Wiwi

Over the weekend I began a self-education process to learn more about Critical Race Theory (CRT) than the snippets and soundbites one gets from news and social media and downloaded Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, 3rd Edition by authors Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic.   It is truly a stunning and disturbing read that left me wondering among other things, how is that people who have had the good fortune to grow and live in this country learned to hate it so intently?  Here are the key points I got from the book:

  1. White people constantly work to keep other races down, even perhaps unknowingly because the capitalist system is designed to keep those in power, in power.
  2. Capitalism is evil not only because it is a mechanism to keep Whites in power, it delivers unequal outcomes – in the CRT world the outcomes should be equal, in other words “equity” is what we should be pursuing, not equality.
  3. Laws and sentences for crimes should be adjusted based on one’s “racial experience,” resulting in a world where two people of different races committing exactly the same crime for the same reasons would be sentenced differently because the judge and jury would have to consider racial experience factors.  In other words, that whole 14th Amendment notion of equal protection and due process would no longer apply
  4. CRT would not only expand affirmative action, it promotes reparations, and not just for Blacks, but for Native Americans, Asians, Muslims, etc.  The authors apparently did not notice or do not care that imposing reparations would create a new form of slavery
  5. CRT proponents are impatient with the pace of civil rights achievements to date and if they could, would impose their ideas immediately, though to their credit they are careful to avoid words like “overthrow” or “revolution.”
  6. Conservatives of any stripe, whether a Tea Party type, Talk Radio, conservative media or conservative Republican are racists because they tend to support smaller government and promote capitalism, which again is the system used to keep non-whites oppressed.
  7. CRT supports open borders and abhors any regulation of immigration since this is the White’s system to keep non-whites out of the country, primarily to preserve their majority.
  8. They do acknowledge the higher crime rate of Black males but rather that offer any useful way to reduce it, they instead insist it really is not so bad because it is dwarfed by the damage caused by white collar crimes committed by Whites

Folks this non-sense was created by Ivy-League law school academics, not some average activist who stumbled on a copy of Marx’s Das Kapital.  Our job is to root this stuff out in our schools and the workplace, but it will take diligence to spot since it is a “theory” working its way into existing subjects and work practices, not an overt new program that is easy to spot and oppose.

Larry Wiwi