Old Guy Rant: Dear Indiana Sen. Raatz and Rep. Lyness …

A Political Column by Larry Wiwi, a Franklin County resident

Dear Indiana Senator Raatz and Representative Lyness,

I do appreciate the updates you regularly send regarding the work you are doing in the State of Indiana – budget, education, covid, power balancing among the state government branches, etc., it is important work and glad you are working it especially the power balancing work, however there is a much larger balance of power effort you seem to be missing entirely – federal power versus state power.

I am not certain that you completely grasp the implications of the outcome of the 2020 elections and seem to be complacent to focus on state issues while doing nothing to check the actions of the federal government which is frankly trampling all over Indiana citizens which I will explain later, but first need to remind you how the Constitution was set up to share power between the people, the states and the federal government:  Prior to the ill-conceived 17th amendment, citizens exercised power on the federal government by electing members to the House, and the states exercised power on the federal government by the selection of Senators via state legislatures.  It is unfortunate that this power was removed from the states, but the point is states are expected to use their authority to keep a balance of power with the federal government and keep it in check – your scope of responsibility is much greater than simply within the bounds of the state’s borders. 

If you don’t believe me, then consider this from Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 85: “We may safely rely on the disposition of the State legislatures to erect barriers against the encroachments of the national authority.”

The party largely in control of congress and certainly the White House has done or is pursuing things seriously threatening or trampling Indiana citizens’ rights and here are some top examples:

The $1.9 trillion “covid relief bill” has significant funds to bail out blue states who, due to poor policies were already deeply in debt before the covid pandemic, and now Hoosier voters who have wisely voted for sound fiscal management in our state are being forced to pay for the mismanagement of the blue states – a subtle form of slavery, yet I hear no protest or actions from you.

The opening of the borders and allowing this resurgence of illegal immigration is a serious threat to Hoosiers in multiple ways:  1) The sheer number of illegals puts downward pressure on wages and raises the cost to Indiana taxpayers for education, law enforcement, etc,:  2) Our personal safety is at risk since more than a fair share of these illegals have criminal backgrounds and the sheer numbers of illegal crossings make it far easier for terrorists to enter our country; 3) Covid infection rates of 10-25% have been reported among illegals but they are not being quarantined and instead are being transported throughout the country.  Despite these risks, what do we hear from our state capital?  Nothing.

The proposed HR 1 voting bill and proposed gun control laws if passed, will only further add to the rights of Hoosiers being trampled. 

That said dear sirs, exactly what will it take to spur you to action?


Larry Wiwi




