Old Guy Rant: Democrats crapping on us all

Political Column by Larry Wiwi, Franklin County resident

The Democrat party has done a remarkable job of convincing half or more of US voters that they are the party of civil rights and the “little guy,” especially those on the lower end of the earnings spectrum, so remarkable in fact that Josef Goebbels would be proud.

Putting the propaganda aside, lets look at how Democrats have helped the “little guy” in just the past four months:

First despite pleading from then President Trump, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats deliberately stalled the latest COVID relief bill for months to ensure no help would happen during his administration, especially just before the election since that might have helped President Trump win re-election.  The Democrats did not care a wit about American citizen’s suffering and small businesses closing, since the only thing that mattered was winning elections and keeping power.

Second, Commander-in-Thief Biden wasted no time signing a flurry of executive orders including cancelling the XL pipeline which had two dramatic effects:  1) It instantly killed thousands of good paying American jobs and severely impacted thousands the others by eliminating the economic activity the spending from those jobs would have created;  2) It drove crude oil prices up dramatically which we are all feeling now in the form of higher fuel prices which directly most impacts low income families and increases the cost of nearly all goods for all of us.  Biden did this to appease the climate change zealots and to make / keep Americans poor, since poor Americans are more likely to need government help and be subject to government control which essentially is socialism.

Finally, the Commander-in-Thief wasted no time in opening our borders for more illegals which will increase crime and make Americans less safe and put downward pressure on wages, which again has disproportionate impact on low earners.  It will take only a short while before the wage gains made under President Trump will be reversed by these actions.

Our complicit media of course points out none of these negatives, preferring to continue to over-play the events of January 6 while turning a blind eye to rioting by left wing groups in several American cities.

Yes, Josef would be proud…

Larry Wiwi





One reply on “Old Guy Rant: Democrats crapping on us all”

  1. “The Democrat party has done a remarkable job of convincing half or more of US voters that they are the party of civil rights and the “little guy…”
    Actually, Larry, I think it’s way less than half if you count out the dead ones and the ones who only exist on paper or a vote tabulator.
    We need to remember what really happened, and that this is NOT the will of the vast majority of American citizens.
    We did *not* lose the election, but we may still lose the Republic.

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