Old Guy Rant: Need to pressure state representatives and senators

A political column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi

After barely 60 days in office, commander-in-thief Biden has managed to spend about 2 trillion dollars, kill thousands of energy jobs, dramatically raise the price of gas and creates a security and health crisis on our southern border – all things every Trump voter knew would happen.

In school you probably learned about the power sharing between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the federal government, but in the original design of the Constitution, it was much more:  The House was designated to represent the people and the Senate was to represent the states and the states exerted that power by picking the senators through their state legislatures and had the power to remove them from office.  This great power to influence the Senate was unfortunately removed with the mistaken ratification of the 17th Amendment.

Seventeenth Amendment or not, we have to look to our states to protect us against the overreaching federal government which frankly is on steroids with its current mix of left leaning zealots in key positions and a largely hapless commander-in-thief at the top.

Unfortunately, so far in Indiana I have seen denial and continued focus on issues within the state instead of what is being done to the citizens of this state from the outside.  For example, weeks ago I wrote to my State Senator Raatz and Representative Lyness asking them to take whatever actions they could against the states with the heavy voter fraud that cancelled the votes of the majority of Indiana citizens and I received silence from Raatz and assurance from Lyness that the election was largely fair and honest and not enough fraud to change the outcome – really?

The 1.9 trillion dollar covid relieve package passed this week will take billions of dollars from Indiana tax payers, who have a track record of voting for responsible fiscal management, and give it to the blue state fiscal disaster areas run by Democrats – NY, CA, IL, etc.  It took about a day for the Ohio Attorney General to sue the Biden Administration over this – where is Indiana?

Indiana AG Rokita is taking action against the Biden Administration over new environmental rules changes and good for him and for us, but it is not enough.  We need every bit of influence our state assembly, governor and AG can muster to keep Washington in check.

Take a few minutes every week to write your state senator and representative, we have to get them focused on the other part of their job which is to keep the feds in check.

Larry Wiwi




