Old Guy Rant: Now what — what do conservatives do moving forward

A political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi

My crystal ball is likely no better than yours in these unusual times, but this is what I think we can expect and what we can do.

Though I continue to believe the election was stolen and will not accept Biden or Harris as my president, one of them almost certainly will be in the Oval Office with presidential power for the next four years and I believe we can expect significant political over-reach and it will likely happen soon.  The over-reach will likely be in firearm regulation, health care, energy and taxes and none of their moves will be in the direction of individual freedom or wealth creation.  In short, since the Democrats control both houses of congress and the presidency, we are in for some very tough times if you love personal liberty and believe you should keep more of what you earn.

So what is a conservative to do?  At least from now until the 2022 mid-terms, we will have to rely on our state representatives and the power of prolific writing and calling our congressmen, but that is of very limited use given the control Democrats have for the next two years.  The other things we can do is push our neighboring states to sign on to the Convention of States effort to petition Congress for a convention of states which will enable the states to amend the Constitution to impose term limits, fiscal responsibility and other limits on federal power.  Indiana has already petitioned, but OH and KY have not.

Perhaps the most important thing we can do is commit ourselves to educating our fellow citizens who voted for what is coming.  Most of us are raised to not discuss politics or religion due to the potential for conflict, but it is honestly terrible direction to give, since after all, how can we learn from each other and develop further understanding if the topics are taboo?  That said, the best thing we can do to avoid emotional discussions is to simply state the historical facts and challenge those who disagree to prove us wrong – the Democrats deplorable record on the treatment of blacks versus Republicans is a great place to start.

Another thing we can do is vote with our dollars – I am not a big fan of boycotts but we can choose to support businesses that promote freedom versus those who do not.  For example, I still use Google, but only when all other options fail which is increasingly rare and happily spend at places like Chic Filet and Hobby Lobby.

We cannot give up –  there is simply too much at stake.

Larry Wiwi



One reply on “Old Guy Rant: Now what — what do conservatives do moving forward”

  1. If you want to see what actually happened in DC on January 6, check out the Victory channel’s news program Flashpoint. Videos are included from witnesses in the crowd that day.
    Website address: https://flashpoint.govictory.com/
    Whether you’re a Christian or not, watch the programs to see the actual onsite videos to learn the truth about the strategically pre-planned event.

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