Old Guy Rant: The hardest political lesson

Political column by Larry Wiwi, a FC resident

I am a political junkie, it all started as I anxiously watched the results of the Nixon/Humphrey contest in 1968 and I have been hooked ever since, including taking about every political science and American history class that U.C offered during my college years.  In all those years of study, all of the elections and thousands of editorial and political commentary I have waded through, the most important and hardest political lesson of my life was learned in just the last decade or so and that lesson is that the National leadership of the Democrat Party has truly become the enemy of the citizens of the United States.  I know that sound crazy, rash, outrageous, divisive and whatever other descriptor that comes to mind, but hear me out.

Probably like you, I grew up believing that Republicans and Democrats had a shared goal of doing only what was best for the country and that they differed only on how best to achieve that goal and I think that was correct for most of my life.  Somewhere in the last 10-15 years that changed and much of the top leadership is more than happy to do damage to the country and citizens.  The evidence is frankly overwhelming and obvious if you are willing to take an honest look, though I have to confess I was not willing to take that honest look for many years because I simply could not believe that we had leadership who knowingly would do harm to Americans, but once you embrace the concept, so much of what we are seeing right now makes sense – here is the current evidence:

  • After just days in office Biden takes several actions including killing the XL pipeline which instantly destroyed thousands of jobs, causing a dramatic increase in the price of fuel which raises the price of everything Americans buy, severely impacting low income families.
  • Biden with the full support of high level Democrat leaders, opened the borders and invited the hoard of illegals now streaming across our borders and what is the result?  1) Our law enforcement and education systems are overwhelmed;  2) There will be huge, downward pressure on wages for Americans;  3) Crime will increase; 4) Our health is threatened as COVID infected illegals are shipped around the country – lockdowns and quarantines apparently apply only to American citizens
  • Democrat leaders continue to push the ridiculous “New Green Deal” which is supposed to save us from the fictional threat of manmade climate change but creates the very real threat of significantly raising energy prices which in addition to making everything more expensive to buy, it also makes it financially more attractive to manufacture overseas, killing American jobs.

For so many of you who vote Democrat because of family tradition or union affiliation or whatever, it is time to remove the rose colored glasses and take a hard look at what is really happening – chances are this party no longer represents you.

Larry Wiwi




