Old Guy Rant: The truth must prevail

A Political Column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi

George Washington famously stated the “Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light,” and that is our challenge right now, to take the pains to bring it to light. Full disclosure: I am a Trump supporter, but with regard to this election, I care ten thousand times more about the truth than the outcome of this particular election because if we cannot get to truth, some very hard and stark choices will have to be made.

In the past month we learned that about half of the states used Dominion voting equipment and software that supposedly originated in Venezuela and is fraught with security issues and has built in capability to electronically alter voting outcomes. This past week among other sworn statements of voter fraud, we heard a truck driver describe the truck load of pallets of ballots he personally delivered from New York to two locations in Pennsylvania. We have multiple districts that have more votes counted than voters and amazingly enough Biden outperformed both Clinton and Obama in every large metropolitan area in the swing states despite the fact that he performed poorly against these two everywhere else. In other words, unless you are willfully blind – hello mainstream media, or simply only care about winning, you have solid reasons to believe this election was rigged, which is exactly why polls show about half of Americans, including nearly a third of Democrats believe this election is fraudulent.

We cannot survive as a country or at least not as a representative republic if anything close to half of the population does not believe in the integrity of the elections and those involved in creating this horrendous scandal are criminals of the worst sort, not only because they cheated but because of their assault on the truth and on every legal citizen voter’s right to have their vote counted in a free and fair election. If you are a legal citizen voter, your most important right as a citizen, the power to choose your government was stolen from you.

The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence states: ”…whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (securing our inalienable rights), it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it…” If we cannot get to truth, and re-establish truth and integrity in our elections then we face the hard choices of either living forever under an increasingly corrupt government and having our rights trampled or exercise the right and duty stated in the Declaration to alter the government, which in this case simply means re-establishing what we had previously. The problem of course is that with rigged elections, altering the government at the ballot box is no longer possible leaving us only the Second Amendment as the alternative. I pray it does not come down to this, but if it does, I pray that we citizens, myself included, have the wisdom and the courage to know when and how to exercise it.

Larry Wiwi