Old Guy Rant: Third Obama term

Political Column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi

If you believe Biden is calling the shots as president, you are sadly mistaken since he proves almost daily he can barely put words together in coherent sentences, and Kamala Harris has demonstrated why she  did not even make to the primaries in her own bid for the presidency, she is largely an empty suit.  So who is calling the shots?  We may never know, but if you look at how his six months in office have been nearly an exact re-play of the Obama era, I personally bet it is Obama and/or some combination of Obama and Susan Rice – folks that none of you voted for in this current term.

Like Obama, Biden has gone after the oil and coal industries, pushing instead the massively expensive and hopelessly unreliable wind and solar power even as he approves the Putin pipeline to Europe to enrich Putin and help make Europe dependent on a hostile government led by one of the most evil men on earth.  The side “benefits” of his attack on oil is gas prices have skyrocketed, making everything delivered by truck and rail – which is pretty much everything, much more expensive which of course hurts low income families the most.

Like Obama, he wants to breath new life into the Iran nuclear deal which almost certainly is the worst international agreement ever negotiated – giving money and a path to develop nuclear weapons to a bunch of terror exporting, freedom hating mullahs will never end well.

Last week was especially telling as we saw two inexplicable policy statements:  First, the regime, that like Obama opened the southern border to anyone, including COVID infected illegals who are being dispersed around the country, is telling freedom seekers from Cuba, they will not be welcome – apparently Biden, like Obama does not want to anger the evil Cuban government.

Second, Secretary of State Blinken re-ignited a version of the Obama apology tour as he invited the UN to investigate racism in the United States.  It is beyond my ability to comprehend absurdity and stupidity to imagine why the US would want a body as corrupt as the UN to do any investigations of any kind in this country.  Remember, this is the body that at times has had nations like Iran and Syria on its human rights committee and whose World Health arm has been completely in bed with the Communist Chinese government as it probably developed and certainly spread COVID worldwide.

Conservatives knew all of this was coming, I wonder if the Biden supporters did?

Larry Wiwi