Old Guy Rant: We knew this on Nov. 4

Political column by Larry Wiwi

Old Guy Rant:  We Knew This on November 4

I can’t really convey how much it breaks my heart to write this column because it is largely a column of sadness and failure on a global scale, and I take no solace in the fact that like most conservatives, I knew all of this on November 4.

Commander-in-Thief Biden along with his Democrat/Socialist controlled House have engineered an amazing record since his inauguration:

  1. Locked down and stifled American oil production through cancelled pipelines and severe cutbacks on drilling leases even while approving a pipeline to benefit Putin’s Russia and begging the OPEC nations to produce more, resulting in vastly higher prices for gas and everything else in America – other nations benefited at the expense of the American citizen.
  2. Opened the border to pretty much any illegal who wants to come, and happily busing these illegals many covid positive, around the country – illegals, drug lords and human traffickers benefit at the expense of the American citizen.
  3. Rampant and irresponsible spending, with the latest infrastructure bill weighing in at 2700 pages that no one read.
  4. Continued non-support of police as crime continues to spike, especially in Democrat controlled cities resulting in massive property destruction and personal injury – the thugs, Antifa, BLM, and others benefit at the expense of honest American citizens.
  5. As I write this we are witnessing the withdrawal, no make that retreat, from Afghanistan as the most incompetent display of non-leadership in our history and quite possibly in human history.  We will be lucky of all we lose is the hundreds of millions of hi-tech weaponry now in the hands of the Taliban.  If we aren’t lucky, we’ll have perhaps thousands of American citizens held hostage for God knows what the Taliban will demand.  To be clear I wanted us out of Afghanistan to, but there were many ways to do it right but few if any ways worse than what is being executed, and of course the Taliban and Chinese Communist benefit while American citizens lose.

If you Biden supporter did not know this on November 4, then shame on you for not doing due diligence as a voter, and if you did know all of this on November 4, I invite you to leave and apply for citizenship elsewhere, go find another country you like instead of destroying this one.

Larry Wiwi