Old Guy Rant: Who needs fiction?

By Larry Wiwi

I mostly quit reading fiction about 15 years ago because I discovered that real life is often more bizarre than anything people can dream up and as I get older it seems to be more true every day. As evidence, consider this:

  • The Democrats nominated a man for president of very questionable stamina and mental acuity that no one expects to last through a full term should he be elected – who does that?
  • The Democrat VP placed dead last when in the primary race and could not even win her own state, but she will be the frail president’s replacement?
  • The Democrats and main stream media (MSM) continue to be fixated and dumbfounded by the fact that people can earn a great deal of money this year and pay no taxes because they had huge losses in prior years – it is called carrying losses forward and taught in H&R Block Tax 101
  • Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have been recorded on camera multiple times saying they will end fracking but deny they said it when confronted with the economic reality in a debate
  • Most Americans got a raise with the Trump tax plan – I did, and it was noticeable, but Kamala told me only rich people benefited, I mean after all who should I believe, my own bank statements or her?
  • The Biden / Harris team tells us they believe in giving people choices but will force me to pay for abortions I don’t believe in, give up my private health insurance that I love and eat less beef because those cow farts are causing climate change – really?
  • In the debate, Kamala defended the Iran nuclear deal, which at its core gave the Iranians an unfettered timetable on which they would unquestionably develop nuclear weapons and gave them billions to do it as well as fund global terrorism which is the one thing they are really good at
  • Joe, Kamala and the MSM keep telling us about the “mostly peaceful” demonstrations that happened all summer long, but somehow those peaceful demonstrations are adding up to the biggest property insurance payout in history – how does that happen?
  • Finally, Kamala mentions Russian election interference the day after the now de-classified John Brennen memo clearly showed the entire Trump/Russia hoax was created and funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and aided by the Obama FBI

If you want a less bizarre world, it is really simple…vote for every Republican you can find on November 3, because even if they don’t really deserve your vote, they are better than this Democrat – Marxist insanity.

Larry Wiwi, Franklin County resident