State sets another bad record; Franklin County has 16 positive test results

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Franklin County went into double digits on positive test results, and Indiana set a one-day record for the third-straight day with 5,007 positive test results, the first time the state went more than 5,000 since record keeping began on March 17.

Franklin County had 16 positive test results for Saturday, November 7. It is the first day in several months, the county has been in double figures. It now has 448 positive test results. The state’s 5,007 gives the state 205,722. Fayette County had 24, which gives that county another day with more than 20 positive test results. It is something that has been almost common of late. On Friday, November 6, Fayette County had less than 20 with 19. Fayette County now has 1,081 total positive test results.

Union County had five positive test results with a total of 163.

None of the three counties had any COVID-19-related deaths with the totals remaining: Franklin, 26; Fayette, 26; and Union, zero.