Should we roll the dice on gambling

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Why do some people consider gambling a sin? It’s practically family-friendly these days. A: Gambling is problematic because of its root system: mammon, greed and instant gratification. None of these words are found in God’s arsenal of great ideas. In fact, they are heavily warned against throughout …

I’m not convinced heaven will be better

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Why would I want to go to heaven? Life is good here and besides, I’d probably need to make some changes! A:             If you’re looking for a sales pitch on the benefits of heaven, this tells me you haven’t read the Bible; specifically Revelation Chapter 21. …

Help! My pastor may be a cult leader

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, I think my preacher is becoming a cult leader. What do I do? A:             In order for me to help you assess this serious situation, I’d like you to pray-through the consistent proofs of cultic leadership before you make up your mind for certain. Clergy are …

Tattoos and piercings, sinful?

Theological Column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Are tattoos and piercings wrong? A:             These days, tattoos and piercings are as common as the body parts given over to them. Our bodies have become canvasses of expression and voices of declaration. What was unthinkable a century ago is now acceptable if not encouraged by …

Let us listen to the prophets

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Many of my friends are watching prophetic videos instead of the news. Who are these prophet-people? A:             I’m one of these prophet-watchers, myself. While I haven’t sworn-off conservative news outlets altogether, the media has certainly broken trust as a reliable source of truth in the last …

Will God ever forgive me for cheating?

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, During the lockdown a bunch of us figured out how to cheat on our University exams. We all did it. Will God ever forgive me? A:             One of Jesus’ disciples said this: “I promise you that any of the sinful things you say or do can …

Post-Easter let down syndrome

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, So many Christians attend Easter services but then disappear. How do I fight my bitterness over it? A:             If I’m honest, I’d say every Pastor across the nation right now is nodding in agreement with you. We’ve just passed the high, holy, super bowl of Christian …

I need to speak with the dead

A theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Is it wrong to contact the dead? I’d like to talk to someone on the other side. A:             Thank you for picking up on the fact that our Christian season of Lent and Good Friday (April 2) certainly does bring death and darkness into focus: …

Why doesn’t God heal everyone

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Why doesn’t God heal everybody? A:             Every Christian preacher, teacher and leader on earth would love to reply, “God does heal everyone!” But it wouldn’t be the truth—not in the way you’re asking. Most of the time, religious leaders each have different theologies surrounding what surely …

Walking and praying to change the world

A Theological Column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Someone in my church is staging a prayer-walk. What is that? A:             Prayer-walking is the best therapy for tired bodies, tired brains and tired spirits. The combination of fresh air and the Holy Spirit is an ancient recipe for clear vision and peace; often cultivating …