Am I stamped with God’s mark?

A Theological Column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, During the apocalypse, God puts his stamp of approval on a few people. Why would God seal some people and not others? A:             It’s far more than a stamp of approval, yet it is surely a mark. Yes, in Revelation 7:1-8, the Bible discusses a special …

This week’s question is about not liking lady preachers

A theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, I do not agree that women should be pastors. How can you go against biblical teaching and assume that title? A:             By God’s grace and his fine sense of humor at such a time as this, I lead two congregations. Your question is the most-often-asked …

I’ll keep the ashes

Theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, My mother was cremated and I want to keep her ashes. Is this okay? A:             I’m so sorry for your loss. In the natural order of things, we will all be burying our parents one day. Often our first reaction when we experience this terrible grief…and …

The tangible presence of God

A theological column by Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Once we feel the tangible presence of God, why is it still so easy to walk away? A:             Anything can be taken for granted, my friend, even the presence of God. Countless husbands and wives, tearfully devoted at the wedding vows, find themselves in sordid …

Test driving all the gods

By Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, Should someone attend a religious service from multiple faiths before picking a religion? A:             I’ve never been asked this question before, but I’ve certainly debated spiritual cherry-pickers numerous times. Mostly, it’s a young person who feels the need to explore the spiritual landscape before settling down. I call …

How do I communicate with angels?

By Adrienne Greene Q: Dear Pastor, I need to talk to my guardian angel. Can you help me with this? A:             Well, I’m not Jesus, nor do I have special connections, if that’s what you’re thinking. We all have the same inside-connection with our God: he’s called the Holy Spirit. If you are a …