Eight days after saying there is nothing to update public on town hall, BTC seems ready to make a move. Public not invited

By John Estridge Eight days ago in answering two questions about Brookville’s new town hall with there is nothing to update, Brookville Town Council President Curt Ward apparently has something to update. But the public is not invited. Brookville Town Council will hold an executive session prior to the public meeting on Tuesday, July 27. …

BTC President Curtis Ward answers questions about new town hall project (INCLUDED EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM THE FIRED EDITOR)

By John Estridge A series of questions was sent by this Fired Editor to the Brookville Town Council concerning funding for the proposed new Brookville Town Hall. They were answered both verbally and in writing by BTC President Curtis Ward at the March 9 BTC meeting. Let’s start with the last question first and then …