Big cracks in BTC’s plan to have more parking on Progress Street for Valley House Flats project

By John Estridge and John Estridge photos Progress Street Hill slipped two inches during construction of a new sewage main at the bottom of the hill, officials claim. Thus, the street is once again breaking apart, and that is negatively affecting many things, including the angled parking spaces Valley House Flats needs for its residents. …

Brookville Police Chief Terry Mitchum announces another code blitz; he said town supports blitzes

By John Estridge The Brookville Police Department will unleash another code blitz on the town on Friday and Saturday, July 30-31. Mitchum announced the new blitz near the end of the July 13 Brookville Town Council meeting. Earlier this year, the police department did the first blitz in the town’s history, and although several people …

FC commissioners negotiating with INDOT for trade of taking over Old Ind. 1 for Brookville facilities

By John Estridge Franklin County Commissioners are looking to do a little horse trading with the Indiana Department of Transportation. The commissioners have been eyeing the INDOT facility located at Ninth and Mill streets in Brookville. INDOT’s local substation is moving to new facilities located north of Brookville on Indiana 101. That leaves the facilities …

Indiana’s Public Access Counselor rules BTC should be more transparent

By John Estridge Indiana’s Public Access Counselor did not impose any sanctions on Brookville Town Council for violating the state’s Open Door Law, but he did not leave any doubt as to BTC’s inability to follow the law. Luke Britt, the state’s public access counselor, stated this opinion: “Based on the complaint and the response, …

Valley House Flats developers want angled parking on Progress Street, and BTC President Curtis Ward closed part of Ninth Street

By John Estridge Progress Street Hill is not slipping as fast as it once was. Because of that, developers of Valley House Flats want to allow parking on the west side of Progress Street between Fourth and Fifth streets to serve the Valley House Flats residents. Two developers, Bruce Rippe and George Gillman, attended the …

BTC sets pool prices; out-of-town residents will pay more

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council unanimously agreed on pool prices for this summer. BTC members Catherine Pelsor and Brooke Leffingwell as well as Brookville Town Manager Tim Ripperger make up the pool committee, which made recommendations to the entire board. The recommendations were approved without change. Leffingwell wanted and got a higher prices for …

BTC members are making strides in the right direction but at least one person seems to still have problems with that pesty state law, the Open Door Law (AN EDITORIAL)

AN EDITORIAL BY THE FIRED EDITOR JOHN ESTRIDGE My Long Suffering Wife Ruth and I were on vacation this past week, visiting what should have been warmer climates. Thus, I could not view the March 23 Brookville Town Council meeting until Thursday night, March 25. Let me say right off, I must express my gratitude …

New town hall’s construction could begin by July; public will be told at some time before then of details

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council members unanimously hired GM Development LLC to design, find financing for and build the proposed new town hall in Brookville. It was the only company which applied. And it is the company currently building the Brookville Aquatic Center. Another company expressed interest in applying, but BTC President Curtis Ward …

Information and Editorial on the proposed funding for the proposed Brookville Town Hall

An Editorial and Information Column by John Estridge, the Fired Editor This is just for informational purposes on the proposed new town hall in Brookville. And I guess I have to put this under an editorial status because it includes my opinions on some different topics. I plan to do an article on the proposed …

BPD Chief Terry Mitchum explains need for proposed fees

By John Estridge Brookville Police Chief Terry Mitchum cleared up some misunderstanding and confusion surrounding a set of police-activity-related fees he suggested at the Brookville Town Council February 9 meeting. At the February 9 meeting, Brookville Town Council President Curtis Ward read the proposed charges and changes Mitchum sent to that meeting in written form. …