BTC moving quickly on new town hall because seller wants to move property quickly; there was no discussion for a new town hall before the building offer

By John Estridge At the Tuesday, February 23, Brookville Town Council meeting, BTC President Curtis Ward said the Proposals/Qualifications for a new Town Hall came directly from an executive session, and the reason to immediately move on the project is the seller wants to move quickly. Ward read the Proposals/Qualifications for a Town Hall at …

An Editorial: BTC members apparently disdain talking about important subjects when in an open meeting before the taxpayers

An Editorial by John Estridge Tuesday night, February 9, Brookville Town Council President Curtis Ward read and received a unanimous vote to issue a Request for Proposals/Qualifications for a town hall. It is on a fast track with the bids from prospective companies to do the entire project from design to funding and looking at …

Brookville Town Council members unanimously vote to begin process to build new town hall

By John Estridge Ready or not Brookville taxpayers here it comes. Brookville Town Council members voted unanimously to begin the process of building a new town hall. And they plan to do it by funding it like the new aquatic center was funded, through public and private funding. In the case of the aquatic center, …

Questions arise on lack of rate studies for proposed rate increases for Brookville

By John Estridge Proposed water and sewer rate increases for Brookville may not be based on studies and or complete studies following answers to questions posed by Observer reporter Bridget Hayes at the BTC meeting Tuesday night, January 26. Just before meeting’s end, Hayes asked questions about the proposed water and sewer rates. Even though …

BTC walks back some restrictions on residents and taxpayers but keeps many in place

By John Estridge After a major, historic change in the way the public would be treated at Brookville Town Council meetings, council walked back some, but not all, of the restrictions it placed on taxpayers and others during its meeting Tuesday, January 26. The public is now allowed to ask questions at the end of …

21 projects in 2021 initiated by Brookville Town Council

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council is initiating a 21 in 21 program after action by council members in their Tuesday, January 12 meeting. BTC President Curtis Ward announced the program at the meeting. He said it is a project initiated by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). He and BTC member …

BTC proposes water and sewage rate increases to begin this year

By John Estridge Percentage wise Brookville’s sewer rates will skyrocket in the next three years. However, Brookville Town Administrator Tim Ripperger said the present rates are so inexpensive compared to other area towns, the rates will remain near the bottom of that list even after the increases. Brookville Town Council members propose for the sewer …

An editorial concerning Brookville Town Council’s muzzling of taxpayers participation at meetings

An editorial by John Estridge Most governmental entities in the country, state and especially in the Whitewater Valley encourage active public participation. It is because of the public, those who sit on town councils, county councils, county commissions and other elected offices, are there. And those people who are elected to the entities spend the …

BTC members unanimously eliminate active public participation at meetings

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council unanimously shut down active public participation at its meetings for the foreseeable future. The vote was taken after a recommendation from new council member Brooke Leffingwell; she made the suggestion at the Tuesday, January 12 meeting. She wants all questions from the public to be put in writing by …

BTC members decide not to move forward with alley vacation

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council members decided to take no action on a resident’s request to close an alley between Main Street and Connersville Avenue. Connersville Avenue resident Julia Teuschler went before BTC members at their October 13 meeting to request the vacation due to security issues. She also said it had not been …