Fayette County’s positive COVID-19 test results increase by a dozen

By John Estridge with date from the ISDH Fayette County’s number of positive COVID-19 test results went up by a dozen with the total now standing at 361. There were no new COVID-19-related deaths in any of the three counties: Fayette, Franklin and Union. Those numbers are holding at 10, 25 and zero, respectively. Union …

No new COVID-19-related deaths in Franklin, Union and Fayette counties

By John Estridge from ISDH data For the second straight day, Franklin County does not have any new COVID-19 positive test results and no new deaths recorded that are suspected of being COVID-19 related, meaning the numbers remain at 279 and 25, respectively. Union County has the same statistics as FC in that there are …

Franklin County’s positive COVID-19 test results increase by three

From ISDH data The number of positive COVID-19 test results increased by three in Franklin County to 279. There are no new deaths related to COVID-19 in the county, meaning the number remained at 25. Union County has no new positive test results and no new COVID-19-related deaths, meaning the numbers are 65 and zero, …

Fayette County has one more death attributed to COVID-19

By John Estridge from ISDH data Union County went up one in COVID-19 positive test results and now stands at 65. Franklin County was unchanged in both positive test results and deaths with the numbers at 276 and 25, respectively. UC is still at zero deaths. However, Fayette County’s number of COVID-19-related deaths went up …

Franklin County and Union County positive COVID-19 test results up slightly while neighboring Fayette County has an additional death listed as COVID-19 related

By John Estridge from ISDH data Franklin County’s number of positive COVID-19 test results increased by two to 276, while Union County’s went up by one to 64. No new COVID-19-related deaths have been reported in either county with the numbers remaining 25 and zero, respectively. However, adjacent Fayette County is still dealing with an …

Franklin and Union counties positive COVID-19 test results increased by one in each county

From data supplied by the ISDH Both Franklin County and Union County had positive COVID-19 test results increase by one each to 274 and 63, respectively. Deaths related to COVID-19 stayed the same for both counties at 25 and zero, respectively. For the state, the number of positive COVID-19 test results increased by 897 to …

FC and UC COVID-19-related numbers remain unchanged on Sunday, August 30; Fayette County’s positive test results continue to climb

By John Estridge with data from the ISDH All COVID-19-related numbers remained unchanged in Franklin and Union counties on Sunday, August 30. The amount of COVID-19 positive tests is 273 in FC and 63 in UC. COVID-19-related deaths are 25 in FC and zero in UC. Adjacent Fayette County is seeing an uptick in positive …

UC’s COVID-19 positive test results increase by two while FC’s numbers remain unchanged

By John Estridge from ISDH data The number of positive COVID-19 test results in Union County increased by two between Friday and Saturday, August 29, to 62. Franklin County’s COVID-19 test results and COVID-19-related deaths both remained constant at 273 and 25, respectively. Union County does not have any COVID-19-related deaths. In the state, the …

FC COVID-19 Task Force no longer meeting

By John Estridge Franklin County’s COVID-19 Task Force is no longer meeting. On Fridays, the task force usually issues a press release through the Franklin County Health Department Facebook Page. Apparently the page no longer exists. And FCHD nurse Angie Ruther issued the following two-line email Friday afternoon, August 28:  “The COVID task force is …

FC’s COVID-related deaths increase by one to 25; positive tests up by three in FC and one in UC

By John Estridge from ISDH data Franklin County has another death attributed to COVID-19, bringing the total to 25. Again, there is apparently no longer a Franklin County Health Department Facebook page to give any additional information on the 25th death. Also, Friday was the day set aside by Franklin County Health Nurse Angie Ruther …