State has worst numbers since it all began; and Fayette County records 52 positive test results in one day as well as another related death

By John Estridge from ISDH data There were terrible numbers on Thursday, October 22, for the state and the three counties in the Whitewater Valley. The state destroyed its record for the number of positive test results in one day, adding 2,880 for a grand total of 155,246. Forty-two people died in the state from …

Fayette County has 30 new positive COVID-19 test results reported to ISDH on Wednesday, October 21

By John Estridge from ISDH data Fayette County had 30 additional positive test results, according to ISDH’s Wednesday, October 21, daily update. The 30 positives came out of 255 tested for a percentage of 12. That makes Fayette County’s total of positive test results at 614. Also, Wednesday is the day for Indiana to come …

FC Commission President Tom Linkel made an announcement about the recent uptick in COVID-19 positive test results

By John Estridge from Tom Linkel Franklin County Commission President Tom Linkel usually gives a COVID-19 update during a Franklin County Commissioners meeting. However, this week the commissioners moved their twice-monthly meeting from Tuesday, October 20, to Tuesday, October 27. Thus, with the large increase in positive test results in Franklin County, Linkel made an …

Fayette County has another 19 COVID-19 positive test results for Monday, October 19

By John Estridge from ISDH data Fayette County had 19 COVID-19 positive test results out of 88 given for a 21 percent positive rate. Franklin County had four more positive test results, and Union County had one. That makes the totals for the three counties: Fayette, 575; Franklin, 363; and Union County, 102. There were …

Fayette and Union counties’ have 15 percent each of COVID-19 tests come back positive for the October 18 daily update

By John Estridge from ISDH data Fayette County had an additional nine positive test results while Union County had four more on the ISDH daily report on Sunday, October 18. Fayette County now has 556 positive test results and Union County has 101. Union County’s four positive test results came on 26 given, which means …

COVID-19 numbers continue to rise in the Hoosier State; FCN closes its lobbies in at least Brookville

By John Estridge from ISDH data Talking about the COVID-19, Saturday, October 17, daily report, the numbers are grim. Franklin County had 10 positive test results, one day after reporting a dozen. Fayette County went into double digits again, with 16. And percentage wise, Union County also had bad numbers with four positive test results. …

Franklin County reports a dozen new COVID-19 cases; state goes above 2,000 positive test results for first time

By John Estridge from ISDH data Franklin County reported a dozen COVID-19 positive test results on Friday, October 16. According to the ISDH numbers, out of 51 people tested on the time before giving the numbers to the ISDH, the 12 Franklin County residents tested positive, which is 24 percent of those tested. And Indiana …

Fayette County has another COVID-19-related death; state and county positive test results increase for all 3 counties

By John Estridge from ISDH data The state has bad news, and Fayette and Union counties have bad news regarding COVID-19 data. After weeks of no deaths related to COVID-19 in the three counties, Fayette County recorded another death, bringing its total to 15. And the county has seven new COVID-19 positive test results for …

Fayette and Franklin counties COVID-19 positive test results increased by six each while Union County’s goes up by three

By John Estridge from ISDH data All three counties in the Whitewater Valley saw increases in COVID-19 positive test results. Fayette County has had a resurgence in positive test results and Wednesday, October 14, was no different. Fayette County was listed as having six additional positive test results, making that county’s total 518. Franklin County …

Indiana COVID-19 numbers remain very high

By John Estridge with ISDH data Indiana numbers remain bad. There were 1,569 COVID-19 positive test results reported on Tuesday, October 13, for the state. That is one of the highest numbers for a day since statistics began in mid-March. The total is 138,104. The state also saw 27 people die due to COVID-19. That …