Eight days after saying there is nothing to update public on town hall, BTC seems ready to make a move. Public not invited

By John Estridge Eight days ago in answering two questions about Brookville’s new town hall with there is nothing to update, Brookville Town Council President Curt Ward apparently has something to update. But the public is not invited. Brookville Town Council will hold an executive session prior to the public meeting on Tuesday, July 27. …

FC commissioners will discuss additional amendments to solar farm ordinance and hold executive session regarding litigation prior to public meeting

From Franklin County Commissioners’ press release Franklin County Commissioners will hold an executive session prior to their public meeting Tuesday morning, May 18. At the public meeting, commissioners will discuss possible amendments to the recently adopted zoning regulations involving solar farm and wind farm business concerns. The former, solar farms, has been the most pressing …

An Editorial: BTC members apparently disdain talking about important subjects when in an open meeting before the taxpayers

An Editorial by John Estridge Tuesday night, February 9, Brookville Town Council President Curtis Ward read and received a unanimous vote to issue a Request for Proposals/Qualifications for a town hall. It is on a fast track with the bids from prospective companies to do the entire project from design to funding and looking at …