Franklin County goes red; Indiana has the highest positive test results in nation since Thanksgiving

By John Estridge from ISDH data There are several negative aspects to the daily COVID-19-related numbers released Wednesday, December 9, regarding the Whitewater Valley and the state. Franklin County went back to a red designation after one week as an orange county. While Fayette and Union counties remained orange, the next to worst classification with …

As Indiana reports an additional 124 virus-related deaths on Tuesday, December 8, one of those deaths comes from Fayette County

By John Estridge from ISDH data Indiana recorded 124 COVID-19-related deaths in the numbers released on the ISDH website Tuesday, December 8. One of those virus-related deaths was in Fayette County, bringing that county’s total to 41. The state’s total in that category is now 6,109. Fayette County also had the most new positive test …

Franklin County has the worst positive test results percentages of the three counties, including Fayette and Union counties

By John Estridge from ISDH data Franklin County continues to have the highest percentage of positive test results of the three counties in the Whitewater Valley. The 15 new positive test results in Franklin County with 874 total means the county has a seven-day positivity percentage for all testing at 16.3 percent and 42 percent …

Fayette County had 35 additional COVID-19-related positive test results; Franklin County has 15

By John Estridge from ISDH data Fayette County had 37 positive test results in numbers released by the ISDH on Sunday, December 6. Its totals in that category now stand at 1,728. Franklin County had 15 for a total of 856, and Union County had one for 315. There were no additional deaths related to …

Fayette County has an additional COVID-19-related death while Franklin County records 25 new positive test results

By John Estridge from ISDH data Fayette County had an additional COVID-19-related death in numbers reported Saturday, December 5 to the ISDH. That brings that county’s total to 40. Franklin County had 25 more positive test results, leading the three counties of Franklin, Fayette and Union. Franklin County’s total number of positive test cases is …

Positive test results up almost everywhere

By John Estridge from ISDH data For the second straight day, Indiana recorded more than 8,000 positive test results in the ISDH daily update. Friday, December 4, the number was 8,003 for a total of 367,329. And 84 deaths in the state attributed to COVID-19 were reported for the same time span for a total …

Fayette County has an additional two deaths associated with COVID-19; Indiana’s number of daily positive tests soars to 8,527

By John Estridge from ISDH data Fayette County recorded two more COVID-19-related deaths in numbers reported by the ISDH on Thursday, December 3. Also, after relatively better numbers, Indiana’s number of positive test results went back into the stratosphere with 8,527 reported, taking that total to 359,430. Indiana also said an additional 60 deaths were …

Fayette County records two additional deaths while Franklin County adds one; both counties improve to orange

By John Estridge from ISDH data While Fayette County reported two additional COVID-19-related deaths and Franklin County had one additional, the ISDH downgraded both counties from red to orange, with orange being the next to worst designation after red. Fayette County now has 37 virus-related deaths while Franklin County has 28. All three counties’ totals …

Fayette County has an additional COVID-19-related death, which is one of the 142 virus-related deaths reported by the state Tuesday, Dec. 1

By John Estridge from ISDH data Indiana reported 142 new deaths attributed to COVID-19 and one of those deaths came from Fayette County. Fayette County’s deaths attributable to the virus are now at 35. Fayette County also led all three of the area counties with 19 new positive test results, making its total 1,617. Franklin …

Union County’s new COVID-19 positive test results are in double digits for Monday, November 30

By John Estridge from ISDH data Union County went double digit in its reporting of positive test results, Monday, November 30. According to the ISDH coronavirus dashboard, Union County had 15 additional positive test results for a total of 301. Fayette County had more, but it is a much more populous county than Union. Fayette …