Old Guy Rant: Outreach to a Biden voter

Political column by Larry Wiwi Like perhaps most families, mine is split on political lines and the unspoken agreement is we generally do not go very far down the political discussion path since it usually ends in sharp disagreement, perhaps even a full-blown argument. A few weeks ago I violated that agreement because I was so …

Old Guy Rant: Lady Justice is no longer blind

Political Column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi Old Guy Rant:  Lady Justice is No Longer Blind If you believe that Lady Justice still blindly holds the scales of justice and that we are all equal under the law, you have not been paying attention – today Lady Justice sees what she wants, and importantly …

Old Guy Rant: Clarity on COVID

Political column by Larry Wiwi Sometimes I wonder if we will ever really recover from COVID since after all new variants might spring eternal even if the Chi-Coms don’t let another variant loose, but I am much more worried about the collateral damage than the disease. For starters, the CDC, prince Fauci and a whole host …

Old Guy Rant: We knew this on Nov. 4

Political column by Larry Wiwi Old Guy Rant:  We Knew This on November 4 I can’t really convey how much it breaks my heart to write this column because it is largely a column of sadness and failure on a global scale, and I take no solace in the fact that like most conservatives, I …

Old Guy Rant: Time to Pressure the Statehouse

A political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi If you read the Federalist Papers you would know the Founders expected the states to keep the federal government in check, which is why prior to the really-bad-idea 17th Amendment, Senators were chosen by the state legislatures, not the citizens.  Alexander Hamilton said it best in Federalist …

Old Guy Rant: Vaccines a patriotic duty?

Political column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi Over the past couple of weeks you likely heard commander-in-thief Biden excoriating unvaccinated Americans and telling us getting vaccinated is our patriotic duty.  I won’t give advice or an opinion about getting the vaccine since that is your personal decision to be made with or without your …

Old Guy Rant: The hardest political lesson

Political column by Larry Wiwi, a FC resident I am a political junkie, it all started as I anxiously watched the results of the Nixon/Humphrey contest in 1968 and I have been hooked ever since, including taking about every political science and American history class that U.C offered during my college years.  In all those …

Old Guy Rant: Dear Indiana Sen. Raatz and Rep. Lyness …

A Political Column by Larry Wiwi, a Franklin County resident Dear Indiana Senator Raatz and Representative Lyness, I do appreciate the updates you regularly send regarding the work you are doing in the State of Indiana – budget, education, covid, power balancing among the state government branches, etc., it is important work and glad you …

Old Guy Rant: Need to pressure state representatives and senators

A political column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi After barely 60 days in office, commander-in-thief Biden has managed to spend about 2 trillion dollars, kill thousands of energy jobs, dramatically raise the price of gas and creates a security and health crisis on our southern border – all things every Trump voter knew would …

Old Guy Rant: Democrats crapping on us all

Political Column by Larry Wiwi, Franklin County resident The Democrat party has done a remarkable job of convincing half or more of US voters that they are the party of civil rights and the “little guy,” especially those on the lower end of the earnings spectrum, so remarkable in fact that Josef Goebbels would be …