Old Guy Rant: Critical Race Theory 101

A Political Column by Larry Wiwi Over the weekend I began a self-education process to learn more about Critical Race Theory (CRT) than the snippets and soundbites one gets from news and social media and downloaded Critical Race Theory: An Introduction, 3rd Edition by authors Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic.   It is truly a stunning …

Old Guy Rant: Third Obama term

Political Column by Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi If you believe Biden is calling the shots as president, you are sadly mistaken since he proves almost daily he can barely put words together in coherent sentences, and Kamala Harris has demonstrated why she  did not even make to the primaries in her own bid for …

Old Guy Rant: School boards and woke corporations

Political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi I recently performed what I consider a citizen duty – I went to my local school board and asked what plans or policies the school corporation had with respect to teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) and they gave the expected and desired answer that there are no plans …

Old Guy Rant: Memorial Day reflections and questions

Political column by Larry Wiwi With the waning of the covid virus and diminished restrictions from Governor “Over Reach” DeWine, this year’s Memorial Day parade and ceremony looked a lot more like the traditional service which is actually done very well in my former home town of Harrison.  For those of us who really understand …