No one can hear BTC members; who cares? BTC continues to operate in secret and flaunts it because the public apparently does not care

EDITORIAL by John Estridge The new town hall the citizens of Brookville are going to get come hell or high water, and we have had a bunch of high water lately, and regardless whether anyone, much less a majority of town taxpayers want it, was briefly discussed at the Brookville Town Council July 13 meeting. …

New town hall’s construction could begin by July; public will be told at some time before then of details

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council members unanimously hired GM Development LLC to design, find financing for and build the proposed new town hall in Brookville. It was the only company which applied. And it is the company currently building the Brookville Aquatic Center. Another company expressed interest in applying, but BTC President Curtis Ward …

Information and Editorial on the proposed funding for the proposed Brookville Town Hall

An Editorial and Information Column by John Estridge, the Fired Editor This is just for informational purposes on the proposed new town hall in Brookville. And I guess I have to put this under an editorial status because it includes my opinions on some different topics. I plan to do an article on the proposed …