Technology glitches and COVID-19 daily update or not

By John Estridge without ISDH data

Well, it is 2020 and coincidentally, Tuesday, November 10, is a day that ends in the letter “Y.”

The two combined made this a bad day to get daily results. Every time I go to the Indiana State Health Department website and access the Dashboard for the daily update, the Dashboard refused to download, upload or anythingload.

It has an annoying black dot that pulsates and pulsates, and pulsates and …

However, it apparently loaded for some of the television stations out of Indy.

They do not have the county totals, but they have the state totals.

According to Channel 59, there were 4,879 new positive test results, making the total to this point 219,338. There were 63 additional deaths attributed to COVID-19, making that total 4,481.