Counter Culture and Pastor Adrienne’s last column

Theological column by Adrienne Greene


Dear Pastor,

How is cancel-culture affecting your ministry?


 Thank you for thinking of me. And your question is just in time: after three-hundred and fifteen articles, every week, appearing in over one thousand newspapers and numerous e-news sites around the world (for six straight years), it is time for me to discontinue the “Ask Pastor Adrienne” column. The Lord has required my resignation in an effort to make more room for the ongoing creative work he has burdened my heart to accomplish. The column has been a labor of love; birthed out of extreme pain (like every baby) and nurtured, strengthened and grown into a spark of light, bearing Christ’s influence on the global stage.  

Cancel-culture, the new word for the obliteration of our American right to the freedom of speech has affected me greatly, as my loyal readers would imagine. This sacred right to speak (or write) one’s mind in the United States was sealed into Congress during the summer of 1789. It is one of America’s most valuable assets, and it is now under fire with casualties piling up over every media outlet. In the last year, my column was erased from public view by over nine-hundred newspapers; their editors and publishers bowing to the thrones of censorship. Gate-keepers of the liberal Left or weenies of the milquetoast Right; both types worked in concert to silence my voice, my opinion and the teachings of the Bible. The recent article about the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah proved to be the straw that broke the camel’s back at a newspaper in North Carolina, for example. “Your column is not right for our readers,” they quipped after three months of steady publishing. Huh. And you’ve canvassed your readership of five-thousand subscribers to discover this truth? Nope. Their response is the creed of media despots on full display: “We decide what you read, hear and know.” These are dangerous days in America.

To Gillian Kelk, my dear friend, supporter and first publisher: I owe it all to you. Your open door restored my confidence during the worst time of my life. Even (and often) when my perspectives railed against your own, still you remained faithful to publish this column. American-born editors were sometimes quick, harsh and brutal in their treatment of “the religious chick” who submitted the column to their mostly atheist, publishing-houses every week. But you, a brilliant gal from Manchester, England, stayed the course from beginning to end. I’ll never forget what you did for me.

It is my readers I’ll remember most when I close my eyes and count my blessings. All the letters, emails, cards, gifts and innumerable prayers that have strengthened me as they fueled my creative engine; my cries for heaven’s wisdom as I answered hard, spiritual questions as best I could. The kind, anonymous, lady in Indianapolis will go down in my history as the most encouraging person I’ve ever known (but never met.)

Appreciations aside, I’ve learned volumes of truths on this journey. The most difficult of the truths presented to me over the last six years are: 1) How little the Church at large understands our Bible. Naturally, that was the purpose of the column; to provide a venue of education and rapport. But the inquiries were often heart-breaking as I observed how spiritually uneducated we really are. And: 2) Some people truly believe that a woman in a pulpit is evil. My titles of “pastor” or “clergy” were often sneered at in hand-written letters of wicked intent or anonymous emails meant to attack and dismantle my ministry. And they were written by Christians. Even so, it was my enemies who assured me all through the journey that I was indeed doing something right.

Sweet readers, I will always be accessible via my website, email or old-fashioned postal service (addresses below.) Thank you for your support and love during this unique and important journey together. I am forever indebted.

Please send your inquiries to: or write to her at P.O. Box 214, Harrison, OH 45030. For more information, bookings and resources, please visit or the “Ask Pastor Adrienne” YouTube channel for videos and insights.

One reply on “Counter Culture and Pastor Adrienne’s last column”

  1. Adrienne, Thank You for speaking the truth and speaking up! Follow God’s lead, and may God raise up thousands in your place— all over the USA!!! Keep up your voice how God directs! Praying for you and America!! Stephen of Sullivan, Indiana

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