Fayette County has an additional one-day total of 40 positive COVID-19 test results; state sets one-day record with 3,649

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Indiana set a one-day record for positive test results Thursday, October 29 with 3,649, breaking the old record by about 800.

And Fayette County continued to have an alarming amount of positive test results with another 40 announced Thursday. In the last nine days, Fayette County has had 267 positive test results with just one day in that time being below 20. Sunday, October 25, the number was seven. Today’s positive test results come from 151 tests, making it a 24 percent rate for positive results. Fayette County now has a total of 849.

Franklin County also saw a small spike with eight positive test results, making its total 396. The eight positives came from 45 tests. That is a percentage of 18. Union County had an additional four positive test results out of 21 tests for a percentage of 19. Its total is now 128.

None of the three counties had additional deaths attributed to the virus, leaving the counties’ respective numbers at: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 22; and Union, zero.

Indiana had an additional 33 deaths attributed to COVID-19. Its total is now more than 4,000, coming in at 4,024.