Two more lighted crosswalks coming to Brookville’s Main Street

By John Estridge

Brookville residents often joke the most dangerous thing to do in Brookville is to cross the street at a crosswalk with the light.

But, in actuality, it is true as people have been hit by vehicles doing exactly that.

However, Brookville Town Council members heard about plans to put two more crosswalks in place with one on the corner Ninth and Main and the other at Eleventh and Main. They will be like the one current lighted and visibly marked crosswalk at Eighth and Main. It goes from the Third Place/Brookville United Methodist Church parking lot to the front of Eagles.

In theory, people should be able to cross Main Street and have traffic stop for them. The crosswalks have flashing lights when people are trying to use them

Brookville Town Administrator Tim Ripperger told council members about the recent decision made by the Brookville Redevelopment Commission during the Tuesday night, October 27, town council meeting held at the Brookville Public Library due to the need to social distance during the pandemic.

As town administrator, Ripperger attends both meetings and acts as a liaison for the two entities. BRC will pay for the cost of the crosswalks.

Another planned crosswalk is not going to take place. It was planned for Third and Main streets. It is at the top of Oregon Hill. Visibility for people heading north and coming up the hill on Main Street is not good. Ripperger said it is a dangerous area to try to cross Main Street.

According to Ripperger, he is waiting to hear about needed permits from the Indiana Department of Transportation.