FCPLD Library Corner

By Susan Knight, FCPLD director

Current Hours: Monday through Friday 1 to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 1 to 4 p.m.

Limited Circulation: Our circulation software will be upgraded between Nov. 27 and 30. As a result, we expect to have difficulties searching for books electronically, placing holds, borrowing from other libraries, etc. We appreciate your patience.

Expanded Services: The Libraries are open for “Grab-&-Go: services.  Patrons who want to enter the buildings to select books, movies, magazines, etc. may do so. Computers will be available by appointment. Brookville’s study rooms are available by appointment. Meeting rooms remain available for use by local governmental agencies. Cushioned seating, toys, and video gaming systems will NOT be available. Social distancing, sanitizing procedures, and mask usage are in effect.  Call-Ahead services remain in place for those choosing curbside delivery

Contact us: fclibraries.org; Brookville—765.647.4031; Laurel—765.698.2582

24/7 WIFI: Please feel free to utilize the WIFI provided 24/7 in our parking lots in Brookville and Laurel. Just drive in and work from your car.

Library Catalog App: Evergreen Indiana, of which the Franklin County Public Library District is a part, recently announced the release of a dedicated mobile app for both Android and iOS devices. Library cardholders may search the Evergreen Indiana catalog and manage their accounts from their phone or tablet.

Totspot Storytime: Alta Profitt is generously sharing her talent and experience in a new way—virtually.  We are still working out some technical details, but expect to find new storytimes on our Facebook page Friday mornings around 10. Sessions include a story, a craft, and, as Mrs. Profitt’s fans know, life lessons are sprinkled throughout.  

StoryWalks®: The StoryWalks® at the Brookville Town Park are ending for the season, but are continuing at the Mounds State Rec Area’s Wildlife Wander Trail. The trail is .75 miles long and is perfect for families of all ages. The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT, and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-HubbardLibrary. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.

Take-and-Make Crafts: Stop and pick up a take-and-make craft kit. The kit consists of a cookie-cutter with pony beads to be made into ornaments. Available at both libraries, at Brookville, they are located by the Children’s area. Available beginning Dec. 2, until gone.

Giving Tree: The libraries again offer an opportunity to support our local students. This year, our Giving Trees focus on basic needs: soap, detergent, shampoo, toothbrushes and paste, deodorant, blankets, gift cards, etc. Donations accepted until Dec. 15. Items collected will be distributed to FC Schools for redistribution to students in need.

Tree Ornaments: We invite the public to help us decorate trees and feed local wildlife. Trees at the Brookville Town Park and the Laurel Library will host homemade wildlife-edible ornaments. Please check out our Facebook page for DYI ornament ideas. Heather offers instructions and resources. Make the ornaments and hang them on our trees.

Available: Give the gift of knowledge! If you need to find the perfect holiday gift, don’t forget that the FCPLD still has copies of some of their sponsored books including: Fairfield: The Town Under the Lake and The Fairfield School Memorial Yearbook. The New Trenton History compiled by Josie Kraus is also available, and copies of Don Dunaway’s Springfield and Bath township histories can be had as print-on-demand copies by prior arrangement with the Local History Department Manager. Call 765.647.4031 and ask for Julie to get more details regarding additional book titles or information about the historical society.