Indiana records 50 COVID-19-related deaths in numbers released on Friday, November 13, 2020

By John Estridge from ISDH data

When looking at today’s numbers remember it is Friday the 13th in the year 2020.

Indiana again has more than 5,000 positive test results, with Friday, November 13’s number at 5,708 for a grand total of 236,565 since mid March. Fifty people in Indiana died with what is believed to be COVID-19-related reasons. That total is now 4,613.

Some interesting percentage totals for the positive test results for the state as a whole are the overall seven-day positive rate is 10.6 percent but the percentage for unique individuals, people getting the test for the first time, is 20.8 percent.

The good news about the three counties in the Whitewater Valley is there were no COVID-19-related deaths. That means the number of deaths remains: Fayette, 27; Franklin, 25; and Union, one.

Franklin County had five new positive test results, making that county’s total 505. Fayette County had 10 for a total of 1,170 and Union County had five for a total of 203.

One reply on “Indiana records 50 COVID-19-related deaths in numbers released on Friday, November 13, 2020”

  1. So, what happened to all the flu cases this year? Does anyone ever get the flu anymore? Maybe, just maybe we have eradicated the flu from the planet!

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