Margaret Mary Health, Franklin County Sheriff’s Department and Stayin’ Alive are sponsoring a prescription take-back day Sept. 1

From a Stayin’ Alive news release

Community organizations have reported a rise in substance abuse because of quarantine and the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have expired or unused medications in your home, it may be time to get rid of them so they aren’t a temptation to others. On Tuesday, September 1, from 5 to 8 p.m., at the Brookville United Methodist Church, 150 East 8th Street, Brookville, there will be a prescription drug take-back day.

Simply drive through and drop your expired or unused medication in a collection box without ever leaving your vehicle. All staff will be wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Please stay home if you’re sick.

This prescription drug take-back day is being sponsored by Margaret Mary Health, Franklin County Sheriff’s Department and Stayin’ Alive.