Old Guy Rant: Hard choices for conservatives

Political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi

Though we are still 18 months away from the mid-term elections conservative voters need to be thinking now about the hard choice we have to make:  Support the Republican Party or not?

Given the current insanity promulgated by the commander-in-thief – open borders, green new deal, anti-XL pipeline and the lunacy in the House – statehood for DC, free college and many trillions of debt funded spending, etc., it would seem to be obvious that we should support the Republicans.  Unfortunately, it isn’t obvious at least not obvious for me because at best it is a Hobson’s choice or in some cases closer to a Cornelian dilemma (only bad options available).

Here is the brutal reality:

Conservatives – largely Tea Party activists, gave control of the House to the Republicans and Speaker Boehner in the 2010 mid-terms only to be insulted and dismissed by Boehner and many of his RINO-ilk fellow Republicans.

The Republican controlled House “bravely” passed multiple health care reform bills to repeal/replace Obamacare when Obama was in office but went dead silent for the first two years of the Trump administration and never got it done.  They only 8 years to develop an alternative health care bill….I guess that just wasn’t enough time?

With a few very notable exceptions the Republicans did nothing to defend Trump as he was wrongly accused and smeared during his entire presidency, most prominently the Mueller /Russia hoax and resulting impeachment.

Finally, again with a few notable exceptions, the Republicans did nothing to defend Trump against the election fraud that stole the 2020 election – yes, I am one of those who remains convinced it was stolen and why I refuse to address Biden as president.

Like many of you, I get bombarded with the RNC and similar organizations constantly asking for money and when I refuse noting the examples above I get the correct but painful response, that if we don’t support Republicans we’ll get even more of the current insanity.  Stated more bluntly, the Republican Party is often a very bitter disappointment, but look like heroes next to these enemy-of-the-people Democrats.

That said, we conservatives have to do two things:  1) We have to lavishly support the Republicans because our choice is that or full blown socialism and I for one would much prefer death to living with the chains of socialism and; 2) We have to double down on our efforts to use the MAGA movement and every other means at our disposal to reform and re-make the Republican party. 

Larry Wiwi






2 replies on “Old Guy Rant: Hard choices for conservatives”

  1. So you’re saying everyone should support remaking the the republican party the way Trump wants it to be? Trump obviously never cared about our country, only himself and his family. He supported the insurrection at the US Capitol. I’m an Independent, but I support the original republican party, and not those who blindly support former president Trump.

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