Former/current BPD chief and former BPD officer file civil lawsuits against Town of Brookville

By John Estridge he former and current Brookville Police Chief as well as a former Brookville Police Department (BPD) officer filed lawsuits against the Town of Brookville. Terry Mitchum, the former and current police chief, and Ryan Geiser, a former BPD officer, were terminated by the Brookville Town Council (BTC) on the last day of …

Suppression Hearing transcript seems to be damning to some BPD officers

By John Estridge from hearing transcript A transcript of the Motion to Suppress Hearing, which has prompted an Indiana State Police investigation into the Brookville Police Department and the chief of police and another BPD officer being put on Administrative Leave, was released to the public Tuesday, August 9.  Trevin Thalheimer and Garrett Pierce were …

WARNING, WARNING, WARNING: Grab the women and children, head to the basements, people are parking on the wrong side of the street on Brookville’s side streets or Another way BTC members are making residents’ lives miserable

AN EDITORIAL by John Estridge The old idioms and adages we all know and are familiar with exist for a reason. That reason, they are correct. And they withstand the test of time, over and over. The one that comes to mind for me lately is “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I have …