Two more lighted crosswalks coming to Brookville’s Main Street

By John Estridge Brookville residents often joke the most dangerous thing to do in Brookville is to cross the street at a crosswalk with the light. But, in actuality, it is true as people have been hit by vehicles doing exactly that. However, Brookville Town Council members heard about plans to put two more crosswalks …

2020 is a scary year, but Brookville to have Trick or Treat as usual

By John Estridge Brookville’s Trick or Treat will go on as usual. Brookville Town Council unanimously voted to have Trick or Treat from 6-8 p.m., Saturday, October 31. BTC President Mike Biltz said if anyone feels uncomfortable with children coming up to their doors this year because of COVID-19 for those people to not turn …

BTC members hear parking meter replacement and Sixth Street parking lot updates

By John Estridge Two of the topics of conversation at the Brookville Town Council meeting were related. They were: parking spaces and parking meters. Brookville Town Administrator Tim Ripperger reported on the statuses of the parking meter replacement process and the proposed parking lot in the empty lot near Sixth and Main streets. BTC members …

BTC members unanimously agree to spend money on a feasibility study for proposed annexation while some people continue to speak against it

By John Estridge During the pandemic shutdown and the time after the shutdown, many items within society went on hold. One of those things is the Brookville Town Council annexation attempts. At the last BTC meeting in August, council members were asked about what was going on with the proposed annexation of the area off …

BTC decides to take code enforcement responsibilities from town administrator and give to police department

By John Estridge At the Tuesday, September 8, Brookville Town Council meeting, members proposed taking the compliance code duties away from the town administrator and give them to the Brookville Police Department. During the last council meeting in August, some local residents were critical the process for getting a property in town cleaned took too …

Some 12th Street residents in Brookville complain to BTC about property

By John Estridge Brookville’s 12th Street residents have been sharing photos and frustrations on Facebook concerning a property at the intersection of 12th and John streets, 305-307 East 12th Street. That frustration boiled over when some 12th Street residents visited the latest Brookville Town Council meeting The property in question is a rental, and it …

BTC approves $100,000 liability insurance renewal without getting quotes

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council members usually approach items that come up at council meetings with a unified effort. Most of the time, votes are unanimous in one direction or the other. And, usually, there is very little debate or conversation before a vote. However, at the last BTC meeting, at least two councilmen …

Brookville business owner Rick Gill finally secures permission to put sign for another Brookville business on his building

By John Estridge It took Brookville businessman Rick Gill a year or more, but he finally was awarded the right to go ahead and put a sign on the side of his business for another Brookville business. Gill said he was asked by the owner of Jansing Auto Body, off St. Mary’s Road, to put …

Brookville businessman Rick Gill gets a variance for a banner sign for Jansing Auto Body on Gill’s business, Brookville Gun Shop, but the journey is not over

By John Estridge Brookville businessman Rick Gill said he was trying to help out a fellow Brookville businessman. According to Gill, it is tough for a business to make it in Brookville, and said one just has to look at the empty store fronts on Main Street to realize that. Art Weber, owner of Jansing …

BTC may amend water ordinance after resident brings huge bill scenario to BTC’s attention

By John Estridge Brookville resident Justin Moore attended the July 14 Brookville Town Council meeting because he has a water problem. Moore said he purchased a house near the river off Market Street and has been trying to fix it up. It is an historical home, which needed many upgrades. He came home several weeks …