Me and plastic bags: a column

A Column by John Estridge There are many ways I embarrass my Long Suffering Wife Ruth, but one of the worst for her is my inability to open those plastic sleeve-like bags in the vegetable and fruit area of a grocery store. And I know I have spoken about this ad nauseum in my columns, …

Goal: Doing better than light housekeeping

Column by Donna Jobe Cronk If you’re amped up on spring cleaning, ready to blend that perfect mix of vinegar and water to make the windows sparkle, if you can’t wait to tidy up the landscaping, or clean your woodwork, you have my admiration. It’s my second spring as a retiree, and our house could …

In praise of libraries and going home again

Column by Donna Jobe Cronk I remember the day. I may have been 10, and went with the neighboring Chapman kids and their mom to Liberty. I suppose their mother was grocery shopping at Woodruff’s, close to the Union County Public Library, and we were killing time while we waited. We walked through the lower-level …

Sounds like it’s snow time — can I get a waiver?

Column by Donna Cronk The news people are ecstatic: a snowstorm is coming! It’s on the way! It might replace covid as the lead story. Now they will tell us where to go if you think you have covid in a snowstorm, and how to reduce chances of covid if you get stuck in a …

19th Century newspapers were the predecessor to Facebook

A Column by John Estridge Most every column I have ever written, and they began in 1989, has been about me being an idiot. Recently, I wrote a column showing where, much like Sheldon on Big Bang Theory I was tested. However, where Sheldon was found to not be crazy, I was declared an idiot. …

Insomnia, my CVS dream with dancing people and jets and my conversations with Holiday Inn

A column by John Estridge For anyone that cares, I am writing this at 4:30 a.m. I have insomnia, at times, not all the time but quite a bit more often as I get older. Several years ago I read the huge King novel, all of his novels are huge, called Insomnia. At that time, …

A lesson learned about spring vacations, hopefully, or how we survived a night in Laurel, Mississippi

A column by John Estridge My Long Suffering Wife Ruth said they looked like blood stains, and I could not disagree. I checked the walls for hash marks to tell how many bodies they had found there, but the light was too dim and the grime on the walls too thick to really get a …

How my blog malfunctioned and I either disabled a computer or caused a person to start drinking

A Column by John Estridge I am requesting prayers for the technician I talked to for more than two hours concerning my blog’s malfunction. If that person was not a drinker before our conversation, I’m afraid that person is now. Really, I am not sure it was a person or a computer-generated conversation. If it …

You can lead the Fired Editor to a laptop like you led the Fired Editor to a laptop yesterday

A Column by John Estridge During the mid 1970s when we were still savages without Internet, cell phones or even cable TV, I spent one year at Indiana State University in the lovely smelling, picturesque city of Terre Haute. In the first semester of my freshman year, and my only year of full-time college life, …

Old Guy Rant: The revolution risk of mail-in voting

FC resident Larry Wiwi As you likely know by now there are several states moving ahead with mail in voting with the full support of the Democrat Party since it is an opportunity to commit voter fraud on a scale never known before in American politics. The Democrat allies in the mainstream media are already …